ID | Name | Path |
M308DSX1890 | Gede Wahyu Purnama | Machine Learning |
M132DSX2849 | Daffa Hafiizh Permadi | Machine Learning |
M257DSX0044 | Daffa Arifadilah | Machine Learning |
C040DSX1623 | Muhammad Nabil Azizi | Cloud Computing |
C304DSX1959 | Arya Nur Hidayat | Cloud Computing |
A304DSX1262 | Muhammad Fahrizal | Android Development |
Theme : Education, Learning, and Personal Development
This is the final project of Bangkit 2023, regarding the prediction of high school students who want to register themselves for the KIP (Kartu Pintar Indonesia) Scholarship provided by the government. built in the form of an android application with features: detecting students with what economic level are eligible for the KIP (Kartu Pintar Indonesia) Scholarship.
Sample student data :
We got our sample students dataset from this article.
Synthesis student data :
We synthetize student data for training dataset for our model using mostly ai.
House Images :
- Google Images (web scraping using Google-Image-Scraper)
- Screenshots from Google Street View
- Own Picture
- Create Google Cloud Platform Project
- Create a App Engine, Cloud SQL My SQL, 2 Cloud Storage (FotoRumah and MLModel)
- Create a service account in order to access Cloud SQL and Cloud Storage ( Please note the access given )
API Database
- Build API for Database with Node JS in Google Cloud Shell (Method POST,GET,DELETE)
- Integrate API for Database to Cloud SQL My SQL and Cloud Storage
- Deploy To App Engine (
gcloud app deploy
on google cloud shell)
API Machine Learning
- Put the model that has been created by the machine learning team into google storage (MLModel)
- Build API Machine Learning with Flask in inline code editor Cloud Functions (Method POST)
- Change Entrypoint same in the
- Make sure requirements.txt is the same as the enviroment used in
- Deploy to Cloud Functions (
click "Deploy"
Testing API
- Using Postman to test a deployed api
- For API Database Use URL in App Engine (example: https://[Project_ID]
- Change Method to
to create new Students Data to Database - Change to
and toraw
and change the Request type usingJSON
- Create the required JSON
- Then click
- For API Machine Learning Use Trigger in Cloud Functions (example: https://[region]-[Project_ID][entrypoint])
- Change to
and toraw
and change the Request type usingJSON
- Create the required JSON
- Then click