543 commits
to master
since this release
v0.46.1 - 2024-12-06
- (providers-yaml) Add automated for additional salesforce (#3102) by @khaliqgant
- (integration-templates) Automated commit updating flows.yaml based on changes in NangoHQ/integration-templates@5f28b04 by Hassan_Wari. Commit message: fix(front): add cursor in request param for pagination (#135) by @github-actions[bot]
- (connect) Allow passing oauth_scopes (#3104) by @bodinsamuel
- (ui) New create connection page (#3072) by @bodinsamuel
- (integrations) Add API rate limiting to Front (#3101) by @hassan254-prog
- (sdk) Add getIntegration (#3112) by @bodinsamuel
- (integrations) Add support for eBay (#3099) by @cassanelligiovanni
- (integration-templates) Automated commit updating flows.yaml based on changes in NangoHQ/integration-templates@17524b4 by Khaliq. Commit message: fix(xero): add tenant id logic (#138) by @github-actions[bot]
- (scopes) [nan-2284] Add a few more default scopes (#3117) by @khaliqgant
- Introducing the fleet package (#3105) by @TBonnin
- (fleet) Add control loop and state management (#3116) by @TBonnin
- (cli) Take request headers, params, and body into account when saving responses (#3098) by @nalanj
- (integration-templates) Automated commit updating flows.yaml based on changes in NangoHQ/integration-templates@ef8abf3 by Daniel Roy Lwetabe. Commit message: feat(pennylane): Make penny lane syncs and actions into public templates (#127) by @github-actions[bot]
- (integration-templates) Automated commit updating flows.yaml based on changes in NangoHQ/integration-templates@06bf127 by Khaliq. Commit message: feat(avalara): Add avalara syncs and actions (#133) by @github-actions[bot]
- (integration-templates) Automated commit updating flows.yaml based on changes in NangoHQ/integration-templates@5fcc1c0 by nalanj. Commit message: feat(zoom): Add support for recordings (#128) by @github-actions[bot]
- Fix Google drive docs (#3123) by @rguldener
- (integration-templates) Automated commit updating flows.yaml based on changes in NangoHQ/integration-templates@cd7fcfb by Khaliq. Commit message: fix(lever-ashby) yaml cleanup (#131) by @github-actions[bot]
- (server) Load errorLog regardless of credential refresh result (#3103) by @nalanj
- (proxy) Handle more content-disposition edge cases (#3100) by @hassan254-prog
- (integration-templates) Automated commit updating flows.yaml based on changes in NangoHQ/integration-templates@fe1184f by Khaliq. Commit message: fix(lever): more cleanup of endpoints (#134) by @github-actions[bot]
- (providers) Improve validation for connect (#3109) by @bodinsamuel
- (providers) Enforce lowercase headers, enforce categories by @bodinsamuel
- (providers) Greenhouse api domain wording (#3111) by @bodinsamuel
- (integration-templates) Automated commit updating flows.yaml based on changes in NangoHQ/integration-templates@8216083 by Khaliq. Commit message: fix(lever): fix typo (#137) by @github-actions[bot]
- (logos) Add white background on white logo, add better version when possible (#3114) by @bodinsamuel
- (connect) Enforce allowedIntegrations and connectionConfig (#3113) by @bodinsamuel
- (linear-retries) [nan-2309] handle linear case (#3108) by @khaliqgant
- (providers) Enforce lowercase headers, enforce categories (#3110) by @bodinsamuel
- (tests) Fix broken integration test that never fails in CI (#3115) by @nalanj
- (integration-templates) Automated commit updating flows.yaml based on changes in NangoHQ/integration-templates@0ac7606 by Khaliq. Commit message: fix(xero): bump versions (#139) by @github-actions[bot]
- (integration-templates) Automated commit updating flows.yaml based on changes in NangoHQ/integration-templates@7d5d23c by Khaliq. Commit message: fix(xero): clean up scopes (#140) by @github-actions[bot]