TNT4J Samples
- Directory Monitor (
). Monitors a given directory for added, modified, deleted files.
java -Dorg.slf4j.simpleLogger.defaultLogLevel=debug -Dtnt4j.config=config/ -Dtnt4j.dump.on.vm.shutdown=true -Dtnt4j.dump.provider.default=true -classpath tnt4j-samples*.jar;lib/* com.jkoolcloud.tnt4j.samples.FolderMonitor /temp
- Sample Pinger (
). Generate activity ping at a specified interval.
java -Dorg.slf4j.simpleLogger.defaultLogLevel=debug -Dtnt4j.config=config/ -Dtnt4j.dump.on.vm.shutdown=true -Dtnt4j.dump.provider.default=true -classpath tnt4j-samples*.jar;lib/* com.jkoolcloud.tnt4j.samples.Pinger com.nastel.pinger pingActivity 1000
Command line arguments:
-- default logging level for SLF4J simple logger binding.-Dtnt4j.dump.on.vm.shutdown=true
java property allows application state dumps generated automatically upon VM shutdown.-Dtnt4j.dump.provider.default=true
java property registers all default dump providers (memory, stack, logging stats).-Dtnt4j.formatter.json.newline=true
java property directsJSONFormatter
to append new line when formatting log entries.
See <timestamp>.log
and <vmid>.dump
files for output produced by com.jkoolcloud.tnt4j.samples.FolderMonitor
See config/
for TNT4J configuration: factories, formatters, listeners, etc.
- JDK 1.8+
- TNT4J (
These examples require TNT4J. You will therefore need to point TNT4J to it's property file via the -Dtnt4j.config argument. This property file is located here in GitHub under the /config directory. If using JCenter or Maven, it can be found in the zip assembly along with the source code and javadoc.