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Personal project where I scrape UFC data and then visualize it in an R shiny dashboard.

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UFC Scraper and Dashboard

This project aims to:

  1. Scrape all available data on UFC fights and fighters:

    1. Fight and fighter data comes form
    2. Betting odds data comes from _????_
  2. Display and visualize this data within an R shiny dashboard.

Please note that is work is not intended for commercial gain. It is a task that was set to myself as a means to learn web-scraping and shiny dash-boarding skills. I decided to go with UFC data because I am a fan of MMA and the UFC and I was not satisfied by their official data visualization offerings.

I am new to both web-scraping and dash-boarding, so if anyone happens across any errors or areas in need of improvement, please let me know at

The userdefined functions used in this project are located in the functions.R file.


The following packages are used in the web-scraping process:

if( !require("pacman")) install.packages("pacman")
pacman::p_load(rvest, tidyverse, anytime)

Here are the dataframes created by the webscraper:

  • Fighter Data
## # A tibble: 3,673 x 20
##    First_Name Last_Name Nickname Height Weight Reach Stance  Wins Losses Other
##    <chr>      <chr>     <chr>     <dbl> <chr>  <dbl> <chr>  <int>  <int> <int>
##  1 Tom        Aaron     ""        NA    155     NA   ""         5      3     0
##  2 Danny      Abbadi    "The As~   1.80 155     NA   "Orth~     4      6     0
##  3 David      Abbott    "Tank"     1.83 265     NA   "Swit~    10     15     0
##  4 Shamil     Abdurakh~ "Abrek"    1.91 235     19.3 "Orth~    20      5     0
##  5 Hiroyuki   Abe       "Abe An~   1.68 145     NA   "Orth~     8     15     3
##  6 Daichi     Abe       ""         1.80 170     18.0 "Orth~     6      2     0
##  7 Papy       Abedi     "Makamb~   1.80 185     NA   "Sout~    10      4     0
##  8 Ricardo    Abreu     "Dement~   1.80 185     NA   "Orth~     5      1     0
##  9 Klidson    Abreu     "White ~   1.83 205     18.8 "Orth~    15      4     0
## 10 Daniel     Acacio    ""         1.73 180     NA   "Orth~    30     18     0
## # ... with 3,663 more rows, and 10 more variables: url <chr>, DOB <date>,
## #   SLpM <dbl>, Str_Acc <dbl>, SApM <dbl>, Str_Def <dbl>, TD_Avg <dbl>,
## #   TD_Acc <dbl>, TD_Def <dbl>, Sub_Avg <dbl>
  • Fight Data

Fetching Fighter Data

The ‘scrape_fighters_raw’ function scrapes all the fighter data from a given url.

fighters_raw <- scrape_fighters_raw("")
save("fighters_raw", file = "data/fighters_raw.rda")

Only fighters with last name beginning with A are provided under this url. Therefore, we have to loop this process over each letter in the alphabet to get the complete dataset.

# This creates a list of 26 urls, 
# once for each letter of the alphabet
url <- ""
lin <- gsub("a&page=all", "", url)
links <- letters %>% map( ~ paste0(lin, ., "&page=all"))

# This scrapes the figher data from each link and 
# reduces each table into a single tibble
df_fighters_raw <- links %>%
    map(scrape_fighters_raw) %>%
    reduce(union) %>% as_tibble()
# save(df_fighters_raw, file = "df_fighters_raw.rda")

Cleaning Fighter Data

# Cleaning df_fighters_raw

df_fighters <-
df_fighters_raw %>%
    across(all_of(c("Height","Weight", "Reach")), ~gsub("[[:punct:]]", "", .)),
    across(where(is.character), ~gsub("[[:space:]]", "", .)),
    across(where(is.character), ~gsub("lbs", "", .)),
    across(where(is.character), ~ gsub("([a-z])([A-Z])", "\\1 \\2", .)),
    across(where(is.character), trimws),
    ht_ft = as.numeric(substring(Height, 1, 1)),
    ht_inch = as.numeric(substring(Height, 2)),
    Height = (0.3048*ht_ft) + (0.0254*ht_inch),
    Reach = 0.0254*as.numeric(Reach)
    ) %>% select(-ht_ft, - ht_inch)

Fetching Additional Data for Each Fighter

By now, if you have been running this code localy, you may have noticed the inclusion of a url column in df_fighters and df_fighters_raw. This url’s was scraped in tandem with the other fighter data. These url’s allow us to view additional career stats for each fighter, see for example :

In this next step I loop another scraping function (X in functions.R) over each of these url’s and then join the resulting output to df_fighters.

The additional features include:

  • DOB - Date of birth.
  • SLpm - Significant Strikes Landed per Minute.
  • SApM - Significant Striking Accuracy.
  • SApM - Significant Strikes Absorbed per Minute.
  • Str_Def - Significant Strike Defence (the % of opponents strikes that did not land).
  • TD_Avg - Average Takedowns Landed per 15 minutes.
  • TD_Acc - Takedown Accuracy.
  • TD_Def - Takedown Defense (the % of opponents TD attempts that did not land).
  • Sub_Avg - Average Submissions Attempted per 15 minutes.

# Warning this step takes +-30 minuets.
fighter_stats_raw <- df_fighters$url %>% 
# save(fighter_stats_raw, file = "data/df_fighter_stats_raw.rda")

Now to format the new data


fighter_stats <-
fighter_stats_raw %>% reduce(union) %>%
    mutate(DOB = as.Date(anytime(DOB)),
           across(contains("Acc")|contains("Def"), ~ gsub("%|\\.", "", .)),
           across(contains("Acc")|contains("Def"), ~ as.numeric(.)/100),
           across(-c("url", "DOB"), as.numeric))

Joining fighter_stats with df_fighters

df_fighters_full <-
df_fighters %>%
    inner_join( fighter_stats,
               by = c("url" = "url"))
# save(df_fighters_full, file = "data/UFC_Fighters.rda")

Fetching Fight Data

The code below scrapes the Name/date, Location and URL for every UFC event that has occurred to date as well as for the most recent upcoming event. All this information is located here.

# Scraping links to fight event pages
link <- ""
site <- read_html(link) # All the HTML and CSS code from link.

fight_events_dirty <-  site %>%
    html_table(fill = T) %>%
    .[[1]] %>% .[-1,] %>%
    as_tibble() %>%
    mutate(across(where(is.character), noquote),
           across(where(is.character), ~gsub("[[:punct:]]", "", .)),
           across(where(is.character), ~gsub("[[:space:]]", "", .))) %>%
    mutate( url = site %>% # feed `` to the next step
            html_nodes(".b-statistics__table-content") %>% # get the CSS nodes
            html_nodes("a") %>%
# save(fight_events_dirty, file = "data/fight_events_dirty.rda")

Cleaning this data:



Personal project where I scrape UFC data and then visualize it in an R shiny dashboard.






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