Welcome to my personal Neovim config, and its incomplete documentation ;).
Always WIP.
"Smart and Powerful commenting plugin for neovim" with native treesitter support for calculating 'commentstring'.
Possible alternatives:
Key | Action |
gcc |
line-wise comment |
gbc |
block-wise comment |
gco |
add comment below current line |
gcO |
add comment above current line |
gcA |
add comment at the end of line |
Snippet engine written in Lua.
Key | Action |
<C-k> |
Expand the snippet under the cursor or jump to the next insert node |
<C-j> |
Jump to the previous insert node |
<C-l> |
Choose the next choice in a choice node |
Automatic list continuation and formatting for neovim, especially useful for Markdown editing.
Possible alternatives:
Key | Action |
<tab> |
indent the list item |
<c-tab> |
detent the list item |
<c-r> |
cycle list type or (un-)check checkboxes |
"nvim-cmp source for omnifunc." omnifunc allows other plugins to provide autocomplete options, for example vimtex.
"Tmux completion source for nvim-cmp."
Nice git diffs with filelists.
Possible alternatives:
Command | Action |
:DiffviewOpen origin/main...HEAD -- lua/diffview plugin |
show diff between origin/main and HEAD for lua/diffview and plugin |
:DiffviewRefresh |
Update stats and entries in the file list of the current Diffview |
:DiffviewFileHistory include/this and/this :!but/not/this |
Opens a new file history view that lists all commits that affected the given paths |
Adds support for EditorConfig to neovim. It sets settings like indentation based on the EditorConfig config file.
Hex editor inside vim.
Command | Action |
:HexDump |
show hex view |
:HexAssemble |
show "normal" view |
:HexToggle |
toggle between views |
"This plugin adds indentation guides to all lines (including empty lines). It uses Neovims virtual text feature and no conceal"
Possible alternatives:
"Leap is a general-purpose motion plugin"
Possible alternatives:
Key | Action |
r |
followed by 2 characters offers an selection to jump to one of the matches (after the cursor) |
R |
same as r , but backwards / before the cursor |
r |
same as r , but for operator-pending mode, for example after a d |
R |
same as R , but backwards and for operator-pending mode, for example after a d |
TODO: last two keybinds do not work
"Entering traversal mode after the first input is a useful shortcut, especially in operator-pending mode, but it can also be used as a substitute for normal-mode f/t motions. s{char}<enter>
is the same as f{char}, but works over multiple lines."
Show function signature as you type.
Helpers for configuring LSP servers.
"A blazing fast and easy to configure Neovim statusline written in Lua."
Possible alternatives:
"Markdown Preview for (Neo)vim". Really fast preview, and synchronises cursor position from neovim to browser.
Possible alternatives:
- peek.nvim (less features right now, requires deno for installation)
"bridges mason.nvim with the lspconfig plugin - making it easier to use both plugins together."
Note: run :PylspInstall pylsp-mypy pyls-isort pylsp-rope
after installing pylsp (see README).
"lazydev.nvim is a plugin that properly configures LuaLS for editing your Neovim config by lazily updating your workspace libraries."
"A completion engine plugin for neovim written in Lua."
Key | Action |
<C-d> |
scroll docs down |
<C-f> |
scroll docs up |
TODO: Description
Possible alternatives:
Key | Action |
1 | 2 |
Command | Action |
1 | 2 |
sudo dnf install cmake gdb lldb rr g++ -y
"A simple statusline/winbar component that uses LSP to show your current code context." Useful for seeing the current position in large JSON files.
Command | Action |
:lua require'nvim-navic'.get_location() |
Returns a pretty string with context information. |
TODO: integrate in statusline.
"A Neovim plugin for setting the commentstring option based on the cursor location in the file. The location is checked via treesitter queries."
Comment.nvim has in-built treesitter support, but recommends to use this plugin for "advanced use cases".
Helped me prevent Comment.nvim: nil
"A vim-vinegar like file explorer that lets you edit your filesystem like a normal Neovim buffer", basically better vidir
Possible alternatives:
Key | Action |
- |
open parent directory |
"A Neovim plugin for toggling the LSP diagnostics. Turn all diagnostics on/off or turn on/off individual features of diagnostics (virtual text, underline, signs, etc...)."
Command | Action |
:ToggleDiag |
Toggle ALL diagnostics on/off |
"A simple, vimscript only, command runner for sending commands from vim to tmux." My fork of https://github.com/christoomey/vim-tmux-runner.
Key | Action |
<leader>pa |
Attach to a pane |
<leader>r |
Run a command in the attached tmux pane |
<leader>sc |
Set the command to be run |
Provides a yank-ring, allowing cycling through the yank history on paste. Also highlights yanks and pastes.
Possible alternatives:
Key | Action |
<C-n> |
Cycle forward through the yank-ring. |
<C-p> |
Cycle backwards through the yank-ring. |
"More useful word motions for Vim". Makes the default word motions smaller, for CamelCase, snake_case, etc.
TODO: replace with https://github.com/backdround/neowords.nvim? or https://github.com/chrisgrieser/nvim-spider?
Possible alternatives:
Key | Action |
1 | 2 |
Command | Action |
1 | 2 |
Also see my neovim todo GitHub stars.
allows pasting text without storing the overwritten text (at least that's what I'm hoping for)
possbile alternatives: