HELPMI (HElmholtz Laser-Plasma Metadata Initiative) is a 2 year project of GSI, HI Jena and HZDR, funded by the Helmholtz Metadata Collaboration, which addresses the problem that no data standard exists for ultra-high intensity laser plasma experiments, hampering the FAIR principles and associated emerging benefits.
Therefore, our goal is to
- Adopt NeXus base classes for LPA experimental data, starting from the example above, aiming for a definition
- Extend openPMD for arbitrary hierarchies like NeXus, making the standards interoperable
- Develop a glossary for LPA experiment data and infer the ontology, for automated validation and processing
Here the playground for adapting NeXus for our needs.
Learn more on HELPMI on our HMC website: HELPMI-Website
Join our Workshop @ GSI Darmstadt on 13.-14.11.2023