With a background in the legal industry, I bring a unique perspective to software programming, combining analytical detail, communication skills, and problem-solving skills developed in a professional environment. Transitioning into technology, I have built a strong foundation in full-stack development through intensive bootcamps and hands-on projects, specializing in modern tools and languages. My legal career equipped me to break down complex problems, structure data-driven arguments, and navigate collaborative workflows—skills that seamlessly transfer to designing and implementing efficient, user-focused software solutions.
code: {
[ HTML, CSS, Javascript, React, Bootstrap, Thymeleaf ],
[ Java, Python, Javascript, MySQL, MongoDB, PostgreSQL, Node, Express, Flask, Spring Boot ],
[ Kotlin, Android-Studio],
[ Jest, Playwright, Pytest, Junit, Vitest ],
[ Git, Docker, Jira, Conlfuence, AWS-S3, Object-Orientated-Programming, Test-Driven-Development, SOLID ]
I studied full-stack engineering at the Makers Academy bootcamp. The course focused on pair programming, test driven development, agile processes, and learning by creating projects. Below are my projects that demonstrate my technology and language skills:
Title | Description | Technologies |
RecipeFinder | A website that utilises an external API to search for recipes, adds recipes to your profiles and searches for recipes in the website database. | MERN, HTML, CSS, Jest, Vitest |
Acebook | A facebook clone which allows you to create posts, like posts, comments on posts, view all posts and view your own profile. | MERN, Bootstrap, HTML, CSS, Jest, Vitest |
MakersBnB | An AirBnB clone which allows you to create a space and has user booking facilities. | Python, Flask, Bootstrap, HTML, CSS, PostrgeSQL, Pytest |
TroopTracker | A responsive user interface with server-side logic to grab data from an XML file and sort the data in ascending and descending order. | Java, SpringBoot, ThymeLeaf, HTML and CSS |
📫 How to reach me: my email address is akbhandal@gmail.com