MRVPatcher is an APK patching tool that enables you to use ChatHeadEnabler (along with other Xposed modules) on non-rooted devices.
Supported versions: Android 9 to Android 15
Android version of the patcher: MRVPatchManager
- Download the MRVPatcher tool
- Download and Install Java JDK 21+
- Download a Messenger APK from ApkMirror
- Move the Patcher and the APK to a separate folder.
- Open a terminal (or command prompt) in that folder.
- Run the following command:
java -jar MRVPatcher.jar Messenger.apk
- A new file named "Messenger-mrv.apk" will be generated.
- Repeat these steps for other Facebook apps as well.
List of available options:
java -jar MRVPatcher.jar --help
Usage: MRVPatcher [options] apks
-h, --help
-o, --output
Output directory
-ks, --keystore
Sign using an external keystore file
-ksp, --ks-prompt
Prompt for the keystore alias details
-p, --patch
Forcefully patch apps that do not require patching
Fix apk-conflict installation issue [In unable to remove the preinstalled fb apps]
Mask package name [In case you are unable to remove the preinstalled messenger app]
Skip the patching process (apk signing only)
Use fallback mode [In case default patched apps do not work]
Allow third-party modules [package names separated by commas]
Remove all patching restrictions (Patch or mask any apps)
Load modules for all patched apps (Default: Messenger only)
Pass keystore info in command args [Args order: path pass alias alias-pass]
-v, --verbose
Verbose output
For a detailed explanation, please refer to the xda thread.
- Based on LSPatch
MRVPatcher is licensed under the GNU General Public License v3 (GPL-3) (