An Optimized Matrix Library for White-Box Block Cipher Implementations.
Contains the matrix operations related to the white-box block cipher implementation and provides thorough test cases for their performance and accuracy. The test cases also include the Chow et al.'s white-box AES and Xiao-Lai's white-box SM4 implementations built by WBMatrix, NTL, and M4RI, respectively.
$ git clone --depth 1
- Matrix-Vector multiplication.
- Matrix-Matrix multiplication.
- Generation of an invertible Matrix with its inverse matrix (pairwise invertible matrices).
- Generation of the pairwise invertible affine transformations.
- Matrix transpositon.
- Affine transformation.
- Encodings concatenation.
- Encodings conversion.
- WBMatrix.h The declaration of the main functions.
- struture.h Data structure of the matrix and affine functions.
- random.h The declaration of the random functions.
- affineU8(Aff8 aff, uint8_t arr) affine transformation for an uint8_t number arr, and returns an uint8_t result.
- affinemixM8(Aff8 aff, Aff8 preaff_inv, Aff8 *mixaff) affine conversion between aff and preaff_inv, result is set in mixaff.
- affinecomM8to32(Aff8 aff1, Aff8 aff2, Aff8 aff3, Aff8 aff4, Aff32 *aff) affine concatenation, the matrix part of aff consists of the submatrices on its diagonal, while the vector part of aff consists of the subvectors.
- copyM8(M8 Mat1, M8 *Mat2) replicates the matrix Mat1 to Mat2.
- flipbitM8(M8 *Mat, int i, int j) flips the (i, j) bit in matrix Mat.
- genMatpairM8(M8 *Mat, M8 *Mat_inv) generates an invertible matrix Mat and its inverse matrix Mat_inv.
- genaffinepairM8(Aff8 *aff, Aff8 *aff_inv) generates an affine transformation aff and its inversion aff_inv.
- identityM8(M8 *Mat) converts the matrix Mat into an identity matrix.
- invsM8(M8 Mat, M8 *Mat_inv) calculates the inversion of Mat by Gaussian elimination method, result is set in Mat_inv.
- isinvertM8(M8 Mat) determines if the matrix is invertible (1 for positive).
- MatMulVecM8(M8 Mat, V8 Vec, V8 *ans) multiplication between a matrix Mat and a vertor Vec, result is set in ans.
- MatMulNumM8(M8 Mat, uint8_t n) multiplication between a matrix Mat and a number n, returns a number.
- MatMulMatM8(M8 Mat1, M8 Mat2, M8 *Mat) multiplication between a matrix Mat1 and a matrix Mat2, result is set in Mat.
- MatAddMatM8(M8 Mat1, M8 Mat2, M8 *Mat) addition between the matrix Mat1 and Mat2, result is set in Mat.
- MattransM8(M8 Mat, M8 *Mat_trans) transpositon for a matrix Mat, result is set in Mat_trans.
- readbitM8(M8 Mat, int i, int j) extracts the (i, j) bit in matrix Mat, returns 0/1.
- setbitM8(M8 *Mat, int i, int j, int bit) assigns the (i, j) bit a value bit (0/1).
- initM8(M8 *Mat) converts all the elements of the matrix Mat into 0.
- randM8(M8 *Mat) generates a random matrix Mat.
- printbitM8(M8 Mat) prints all the elements of the matrix Mat.
- isequalM8(M8 Mat1, M8 Mat2) determines if the matrix Mat1 is equal to Mat2 (1 for positive).
- initV8(V8 *Vec) converts all the elements of the vector Vec into 0.
- randV8(V8 *Vec) generates a random vector Vec.
- VecAddVecV8(V8 Vec1, V8 Vec2, V8 *Vec) addition between the vector Vec1 and Vec2, result is set in Vec.
- HWU8(uint8_t n) calculates the Hamming Weight of a number n.
M8 mat[3]; //defines an 8-bit matrix.
genMatpairM8(&mat[0], &mat[1]); //generates the pairwise invertible matrices.
MatMulMatM8(mat[0], mat[1], &mat[2]); //matrix-matrix multiplication.
printM8(mat[2]); //prints the matrix.
- github1_M4RI The performance test for matrix operation and for the generation of the pairwise invertible matirces by M4RI library.
- github(x) The performance test for the generation of an invertible matrix or the computation of its invertion by the implementations on Github.
- NTL The performance test for matrix operation and for the generation of the pairwise invertible matirces by NTL library.
- randomness A Statistical Test Suite for Random and Pseudorandom Number Generators for Cryptographic Applications (NIST Special Publication 800-22
Revision 1a).
- WBAES A Chow et al.'s white-box AES implementation and its performance test built by WBMatrix, NTL, and M4RI respectively.
- WBSM4 A Xiao-Lai's white-box SM4 implementation and its performance test built by WBMatrix, NTL, and M4RI respectively.
- Accuracy_test.c Accuracy test for the matrix operations in WBMatrix.
- BasisMatrixMethod_test.c Performance test for the generation of the pairwise invertible matrices by Basis Matrix Method.
- LowMCMethod_text.cpp Performance test for the generation of the pairwise invertible matrices by LowMC Method and Gaussian Elimination method.
- RGEMethod_test.c Performance test for the generation of the pairwise invertible matrices by Reverse Gaussian Elimination Method and Gaussian Elimination method.
- RLUDMethod_test.c Performance test for the generation of the pairwise invertible matrices by Reverse LU Decomposition Method and Gaussian Elimination method.
- WBGEMethod_test.c Performance test for the generation of the pairwise invertible matrices by Randomly Generate and Verify Method and Gaussian Elimination method.
- WBMatrixMatOp_test.c Performance test for the matrix operations in WBMatrix.
- WBMatrixMethod_test.c Performance test for the generation of the pairwise invertible matrices by WBMatrix Method.
$ mkdir build
$ cd build
$ cmake ..
$ make
$ ./WBMM
- M4RI
- SMx-SM4
- WhiteBoxAES
- sp800_22_tests
- Inverse-matrix
- Inverse-Matrix
- parallelMatrixInversion
- InvertibleMatrix
- Inverse-of-Matrix
- inverseMatrix
- lowmc
Last Updated : 2021/09/29
WBMatrix Version: 3.3.1
Upgrade history:
- Added: An invertible matrix is generated from an initialized matrix (now just supports for 8/32bits operations).
- Fixed: Unifies the API.
- Added: The adjustable generation times in inverse.h.
- Added: Uses initinvbaseM(8/32)() function to generate an initialized invertible matrix and its trails are recorded in basetrailM(8/32).
8bits default value is 10,
32bits default value is 30,
which represent the operation times. - Added: If not use the initialized function then each matrix is generated from an identity matrix with the default times.
- Added: Copy function to replace the identify function.
- Added: 16/64/128bits inverse matrix functions.
New method has been covered.
- Added: 16/64bit affine transformation.
- Added: 128bit affine transformation.
No retrun value because of its special structure.
- Added: 16/64/128bit affine combination operation.
- Added: the header files for a defination of the matices.
- Fixed: Error fixes.
- Added: The parameters for initializing the intermediate matrix function.
inverse.h has the max times and min times for selection.
- Added: Matrix addition function.
- Improved: File tidying.
- Added: WBMatrix test.
- Added: Matrix Basis Method test.
- Added: 128bit test for matrix basis method.
- Added: Updates the test case of the generation of an invertible matrix and the computation of its inverse matrix.
- Added: Invertible funcions: Matrix Basis Method, WBMatrix Method, Reverse Gaussian Elimination Method.
- Added: Inverse functions: WBMatrix Method, Matrix Basis Method.
- Added: CMakeLists.txt
- Added: M4RI Method.
- Improved: Organizes file structure, especially fixs the structure.h and .c errors.
- Improved: Deletes xor.h.
- Added: Gaussian elimination Method (Based on WBMatrix).
- Improved: Changes the generation function of a random Matrix.
- Added: Reverse LU Decomposition Method.
- Improved: Functions for the generation of a random matrix.
- Added: Comparison test on github.
- Added: Accuracy Test.
- Improved: Parameter Orders of the affinemix function.
- Fixed: Multipe defination of the global variables.
- Added: Function for random seed.
- Added: WBAES.
- Fixed: Poor randomness of the random matrix function.
- Added: Function for estimating the invertibility of a matrix.
- Added: New test cases from github.
- Added: Performance test cases of M4RI: basic arithmetic with matrix.
- Added: Performance test cases of NTL.
- Added: Performance test cases of WBMatrix.
- Added: Vector addition funcion.
- Fixed: Accuracy test mode.
- Improved: Replaces the rotation with a logical-AND.
- Added: WBAES by M4RI.
- Added: WBAES by WBMatrix.
- Added: WBSM4 by M4RI.
- Fixed: The release version of WBAES (WBMatrix version).
- Added: WBSM4 by WBMatrix.
- Added: WBSM4 by NTL.
- Improved: Clean-up NTL files.
- Added: Release on github.
- Added: Supports for returning Hamming Weight.
- Added: An example for mitigating DCA attack.
- Added: The references of the articles and implementations.
- Fixed: Errors of the random function in Linux.
- Added: Randomness test cases (Special Publication 800-22 Revision 1a).
- Fixed: Updates the random functions.
- Added: Updates the new method for generating the pairwise invetible matrices.
- Added: Bitwise operation (read/flip/set) functions.
- Added: The function for calculating the inversion of an invertible matrix by Gaussian elimination method.
- Added: Supports for 4-bit matrix operations.
- Added: 8to64, 8to128, 16to64, 32to128, 16to128 concatenation functions.
- Fixed: Errors of the comments in misc.c.
- Added: 4-bit test cases.
- Added: Supports for C++.
- Added: LowMC Method.
- Fixed: Free from C99.
- Added: A new matrix transposition function.
- Added: Supports for partial 256-bit operations.
- Added: Partial 256-bit test cases.
- Fixed: An error of printU64/128/256 function.