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Nicco edited this page Dec 17, 2024 · 2 revisions

Some Questions & Answers related to this project Steam Stats

  1. How did you come up with this project?

    • It all started when I realized earlier this year, that we can create a repo with same name and add that will appear as your public profile. As explained in the docs here. So, I checked the GitHub community and what ideas they had come up with. Then I thought of Steam, to display steam user data and stats in the profile.
  2. Where there any existing projects related to yours's? If yes, then why did you create your own?

    • Yes, after doing some research I found there were few repos created to showcase your Steam Account Data. But, they were really not good according to my expectations or maybe I just need more features🤷. So, I went on to create it myself as Steam Stats.
  3. Where or How to contact you for any questions?

    • If it is related to any issues related to the repo then please create a new issue according to the templates available.
    • OR if you just want to ask a question then hop on to the discord server, I am a message away!