A simple mod for Stardew Valley that adds a "wishing well" functionality to the regular farm well.
Idea provided by TistoAries on GitHub, much thanks!
The water shimmers slightly. It almost feels magical. What would you like to do?
The regular farm well is an oft-forgotten building in Stardew Valley, not serving much purpose other than filling your watering can if you somehow made your farm far from a water source. This simple mod allows you to throw a coin(spend 1G) in it and hope for your wish to come true!
- Install the latest version of SMAPI.
- Unzip the mod folder into Stardew Valley/Mods.
- Run the game using SMAPI.
- Once per day, you can interact with a well on your farm and choose to spend 1G for a chance at a +1 luck buff with a 7 minute duration. Multiple wells do not allow for multiple chances at the buff; The first one you throw a coin in is the only one that will count that day.
- Translation support: English, French, Brazilian Portuguese. Chinese(courtesy of Nexus user CNSCZJ) and Japanese(courtesy of Nexus user medisons) included.
By editing the config.json file in the mod folder, you can change the following settings:
- DailyLuckChance: The chance of obtaining the luck buff when interacting with the well per day. 0.2(20%) by default.
- WishingWellCost: 1G by default, only integers allowed.
- LuckBuffAmount: +1 by default, only integers allowed.
- LuckBuffDurationInSeconds: 420 seconds(7 minutes) by default. Set this to 0 for a day-long buff, similar to those of certain late-game statues. Only integers allowed.
Mod developed by Nicoconot on Nexus.
Chinese translation kindly offered by Nexus user CNSCZJ.
Japanese translation kindly offered by Nexus user medisons.
Any issues or suggestions, feel free to contact me using the Nexus messaging system.