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GMP feat GCP: Firebase Hosting, GTM, GA4 and BigQuery

Create a landing page. Add GTM and GA4. Publish the landing page on the internet using Firebase Hosting. Enable raw data from GA4 using BigQuery integration.

Min requirements / you will need access to:

  • A Google Cloud Platform project / Firebase console;
  • Google Tag Manager;
  • Google Analytics 4;

Youtube Tutorial

1. Prepare the landing page (video 0:00)

Go to, select your project and Activate Cloud Shell then run:

git clone
cd App-Landing-Page

hit "Open Editor" and explore the landing.

2. Create Firebase Project (video 0:34)

Go to and hit "Add project", select your GCP Project or create a new one. Enable analytics -> Create a new account or select your GA account. Next and you ready.

3. Host the landing page on Firebase Hosting (video 1:15)

Back to GCP Cloud Shell, just run:

firebase init 

// auth 
// select "Hosting: Configure files for Firebase Hosting" (with space) and Enter.
// select: use an existing project -> select your project
// What do you want to use as your public directory? public : hit enter
// Configure as a single-page app: hit y
// Set up automatic builds ... : hit N
firebase deploy --only hosting

If everything goes fine you will receive a Hosting URL (click on that link : https://{gcp_project_id}


4. Setup Google Tag Manager (video 2:15)

Go to: and create a new account. Fill the name, country, container name and select web -> hit "Create" and accept GTM Terms of Service Agreement. You will receive a javascript snippet for gtm client side. Copy the code and let's implement it to our landing.

5. Implement GTM and redeploy the landing page (video 2:42)

Back on GCP Cloud Shell, hit "Open Editor" and select "index.html":

  • You will copy the first snippet of gtm js code, and paste it as high in the of the page as possible;
  • You will copy the second snippet of gtm nojs code, and paste it immediatly after the opening tag;

Save and hit "Open Terminal", then redeploy your landing page.

firebase deploy --only hosting

Install Tag Assistant Legacy (by Google) extension for Chrome. Check if GTM it's running on your website (using Chrome -> Settings -> Developer Tools -> Network and reload the page) or using the Tag Assistant Legacy (by Google) extension.

6. Enable GTM + GA4 integration (video 3:38)

Go to: and select your Analytics Account. Go to "Admin" -> "Data Streams" -> "Add stream" -> "Web" and fill the form (Website url, Stream name and enable "Enhanced measurement"). At the end of the process you will receive the "Measurement ID" (copy this).

Go to: and select your Tag Manager Account. Go to "Tags" -> "New" -> hit "Tag Configuration" and choose "Google Analytics: GA4 Configuration" and fill the form (paste here the Measurement ID from the GA4 setup). Click on "Triggering" and choose "All pages". Give the tag a name and hit the "Save" button.

Hit "Submit" and Publish the new GTM version.

7. Enable GA4 + BigQuery Integration (video 5:00)

Go to: and select your Analytics Account. Go to "Admin" -> "BigQuery Linking" -> "Link" -> "Choose a BigQuery project" and "Location" and hit "Next" -> then on "Frequency" choose what you need (pay attention because on "Streaming" you will have extra costs - check out documentation).

After some time (in our case one day) on GCP -> BigQuery we will have consolidate all the raw data from GA4

BigQuery GA4 Raw Data

Enjoy it!


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