It is possible to hard-brick (i.e. make it unusable without significant hardware modification) the MDP-M01 if you do not know what you are doing or are not careful. This repository is provided as-is, with no guarantees or warranty of any kind. You are solely responsible for your own actions.
This project is an effort to reverse engineer the Miniware MDP-M01 control module solely for educational purposes and to promote interoperability with external devices through the development of custom firmware or similar solutions.
No proprietary material of any kind from the original manufacturer has been used in (the creation of) this project.
This project is not affiliated with, endorsed by, or associated with Guangzhou e-De#telligent Technology Co., Ltd. or the Miniware brand.
The hardware is pretty simple. The PCB is purely digital and only consists of an MCU with a few peripherals.
Ignoring passives and supporting/power components, these are the most interesting:
nr | amount | component | function | notes |
1 | 1 | STM32F103VCT6 or GD32Fxxx |
MCU | |
2 | 1 | Z280IT002 v0.3 | TFT LCD | ILI9341 driver, connected via I8080 style parallel interface (16 data lines) |
3 | 1 | W25Q64JV | SPI flash | |
4 | 1 | Si24R1 module | RF module | |
5 | 2 | Kailh EN8080 series | rotary encoder | uncommon output waveform, see rotary encoder section below for details |
6 | 5 | unknown | button | |
7 | 1 | unknown | buzzer | |
8 | 1 | unknown | LED | combined red/blue |
There appear to be at least two PCB revisions that have been sold. The first MDP-M01 I have access to was purchased in April 2020, the other two both in December 2024. Looking at the silkscreen on the PCBs, the older version is marked as 121, let's call it v1.21, while the newer ones are both marked as v1.3.
- In v1.3, the STM32F103 was replaced with a GD32Fxxx, an STM32 clone made by GigaDevice.
- In v1.21, there is a mechanism to toggle the power to peripheral devices (LCD, SPI flash, etc.) using a GPIO pin. This capability is no longer present in v1.3.
I suspect multiple different models of clones are being used, since the MCU in my device is marked GD32F303, but in the DFU menu it is listed as GD32F103. Functionally these are pretty similar (though the F303 is actually a cortex m4) and only one binary is provided across all MDP-M01 revisions by the manufacturer. I have been able to set up an STM CubeMX project with the STM32F103VCT6 using code generation and so far the resulting binary seems to be compatible with both of my M01 models without noticeable issues. There are some differences though, like the clones usually supporting a higher max clock speed and having more flash/sram.
Vcc_main powers the MCU, Vcc_periph powers all peripherals like the LCD, SPI flash, RF module, etc..
I truly do not know what the intention was here. R5 was repurposed in a different, unrelated, part of the schematic in v1.3, see full schematic for details. All components in the two images below are populated.
As a result of this change, it is no longer possible to turn off power to the peripherals in software in v1.3.
The schematic can be found in /hw/schematic/ as an EasyEDA schematic json and PDF.
The CubeMX file can be found in fw/custom_fw/m01_re/
-all NC_ pins are left floating on the PCB and configured as analog inputs and should have their internal pull down resistors enabled in software
-GND_PB2: directly tied to gnd, no other connections
-TP_PC10: testpoint, no other connections
-TP_PC11: testpoint, no other connections
For the display the Z280IT002 v0.3 module is used, a 2.8" 240x320 TFT LCD driven by an ILI9341 connected via an I8080 style parallel interface with 16 data lines. A flex pcb is used to adapt the 37 pin connector that comes with the module to a more compact 40 pin one. The pinout is 1 to 1, with the addition of 3 ground connections after pin 37 to go from 37 to 40 pins.
The rotary encoders have a somewhat unusual waveform. With each detent the A and B pins rise or fall together, with a slight delay between the two every second detent. They also show a decent amount of bouncing, especially when rotated slowly.
When looking at the device from the top:
- Rotating clockwise, the
$\color{#d9dc47}{\textsf{A}}$ and$\color{#64d9d7}{\textsf{B}}$ pins rise at exactly the same time and$\color{#d9dc47}{\textsf{A}}$ falls before$\color{#64d9d7}{\textsf{B}}$ does. - Rotating counterclockwise, the
$\color{#d9dc47}{\textsf{A}}$ and$\color{#64d9d7}{\textsf{B}}$ pins fall at exactly the same time and$\color{#64d9d7}{\textsf{B}}$ rises before$\color{#d9dc47}{\textsf{A}}$ does.
The original firmware has two parts, a custom bootloader and the actual application.
The bootloader is located at the start of flash (0x800 0000) and is 0x8000 (32K) bytes in size.
The main application is placed after the bootloader at 0x800 8000.
The bootloader does not perform any checks to verify firmware integrity (like checksums etc.), it just blindly calls the reset vector of the firmware.
Official firmware update .bin files are unencrypted and are copied to the firmware flash location during firmware updates.
The startup sequence looks something like this:
TODO flow chart
This is an example on how to make custom firmware boot on the MDP-M01 while leaving the original bootloader untouched. The example project, located in fw/custom_fw/m01_re/, is just a scrappy proof of concept test project to try out a few peripherals. It's built on top of STM's HAL libraries and code generation using CubeMX.
The project is based on STM32CubeIDE and can be opened and built with it. (currently there is only a Debug build profile)
Since Eclipse makes me a bit sad though, the project also includes some CLion configs (CLion directly supports STM32CubeIDE projects), including several build profiles. When opening a CubeIDE project in CLion, a CMakeLists_template.txt
file is used to generate a CMakeLists file based on CubeIDE settings, which CLion parses from the CubeIDE config files (such as .cproject
). Do not edit the CMakeLists directly, as CLion generates it every time it detects changes in the CubeIDE files. I heavily edited the default template that CLion provides to add extra compile/link flags etc.
Note that for these configs to work, you will have to create a toolchain config (in Settings -> Build, Execution, Deployment -> Toolchains) named "stm32" that uses the STM32 version of the arm-none-eabi toolchain, and possibly some other things that I'm not thinking of at the moment.
The STM32 version of the arm-none-eabi toolchain is provided by STM on Github. (if you don't want to compile from source and have CubeIDE installed, the binaries can be found in the CubeIDE install directory in Contents/Eclipse/plugins/...externaltools.gnu-tools-for-stm32.../
Since the bootloader takes up the first 0x8000 bytes of our flash and the firmware is placed directly behind that, we have to tell the linker that our firmware will be placed at 0x8008000.
In the linker script (STM32F103VCTX_FLASH.ld
), we can set the origin of the flash region to 0x8008000
and change the length of the section to match.
RAM (xrw) : ORIGIN = 0x20000000, LENGTH = 48K
FLASH (rx) : ORIGIN = 0x8008000, LENGTH = 224K
2. set the vector table offset register (SCB->VTOR) to match the location of our firmware's vector table
This has to be done during the init phase after the reset vector is called by the bootloader, before the main() of out custom firmware is called. In this case, our vector table starts at 0x8008000 since the first 0x8000 bytes are reserved for the bootloader and the firmware is placed directly after that.
STM32 HAL has a way to do that:
- in
, uncomment#define USER_VECT_TAB_ADDRESS
The SWD lines are broken out to the micro USB D+/D- lines (DIO to D+ and CLK to D-) and the MCU comes with neither read nor write protections enabled. Using a USB breakout board makes it very easy to connect an ST-Link (or other debug probe of choice) to the device without even having to open it up.
There are two ways to flash firmware.
One easy way to read from and write to flash is STM's CubeProgrammer along with an ST-Link debug probe. CubeProgrammer with ST-Link works for both STM32 and GD32.
It is also possible to use the bin firmware update method described in the official firmware update instructions, since the bootloader just accepts whatever bin file you give it.
Debugging can be a bit more complicated. While the ST-Link GDB Server works perfectly fine with STM32, it refuses to connect to the GD32 clone with the error message: ST-LINK: Could not verify ST device! Abort connection.
Luckily, OpenOCD works with STM32/GD32 and various debug probes, including ST-Link, as long as you use the correct config file.
To get debugging to work with my setup (cheap 7€ ST-Link v2 clone), I used the STM32 config files provided by OpenOCD as a basis and modified them to fit my setup.
I included the config files in /fw/openocd/. Note that if you use the wrong config file (e.g. gd32f1x.cfg when your chip is an F3x), OpenOCD will complain about an ID mismatch and refuse to launch with the error message:
Warn : UNEXPECTED idcode: 0x2ba01477
Error: expected 1 of 1: 0x1ba01477
While using the correct config file should fix this, you can also add/uncomment set CPUTAPID 0
near the top of the config file, which will make OpenOCD not care about the ID. While this will remove the check to make sure the config fits the MCU, who knows when it might come in handy with these clones.
Another thing worth mentioning is that, with GD32, OpenOCD produces this warning (but caused no issues for me):
Warn : STM32 flash size failed, probe inaccurate - assuming 512k flash
Info : flash size = 512 KiB
With STM32, this warning is not present, so likely just a clone-thing.