Welcome! This Readme contains details about our project. I have built a cloned website of AppleTV+ clone with some of its basic functionalities. This overall project was a part of my web development learning.
Apple tv clone is a clone of a Over The Top platform. Apple TV+ is streeming service from the Appple. It features execlusive apple Original Showes and movies from some of the industry talent, with new premiers arriving each month. Individually I have cloned it within a time span of five days with frontend and backend technologies with some of its basic functionalities.
- #
- Video Player Page
- JavaScript
- React
- Redux
- React-router-dom
- Axios
- chakra-Ui
- NodeJS
- ExpressJS
- MongoDB
- Mongoose
- Bcrypt
- Json Web Token
If you have any query or suggestions please reachout to me at nishutsuman1998@gmail.com