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A fully-featured batteries-included Neovim distribution for the world of Data Science. Prepared to run code and interact with Jupyter Notebooks without ever leaving your terminal.


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📊 DataNvim

DataNvim is a custom Neovim distribution prepared for Data Science and to easily run code and interact with Jupyter Notebooks without ever leaving your terminal. It also provides a well structured config that makes it an easy starting point to extend it as you want.


📋 Requirements

✨ Feature Highlights

🔍 Want to try our Docker Container first?

  • Pull DataNvim's image from
docker run -it /bin/bash
# Once inside prompt, run nvim
  • Try it out, there is a demo .ipynb file in the home directory!

🛠️ Setting up for the first time


DataNvim will only render images if the terminal it's used on is Kitty!

  • Install all the listed dependencies
  • Install Kitty
  • Install luarocks, Lua language's package manager.
  • Install the magick rock with: luarocks --local --lua-version=5.1 install magick
  • Create a virtual environment for Neovim in ~/.virtualenvs/
mkdir ~/.virtualenvs
cd ~/.virtualenvs
python -m venv neovim
  • Activate the virtual environment and install the beforementioned python packages with:
source ~/.virtualenvs/neovim/bin/activate
pip install ipykernel jupytext pynvim jupyter_client cairosvg plotly kaleido pyperclip nbformat pillow
python -m ipykernel
  • Install ipykernel and jupytext in your project-scoped virtual environment
cd whatever/directory/your/project/is/in
source venv/bin/activate
pip install ipykernel jupytext
python -m ipykernel install --user --name project_name
  • Backup your current Neovim configuration
mv ~/.config/nvim ~/config/nvim.bak
  • Install DataNvim's configuration
git clone ~/.config/nvim && nvim
  • Run the following commands:
  • Open your notebook with the virtual environment activated and load the kernel with :MoltenInit project_name or Space + m + i.
  • Start executing cells with Keybindings

⌨️ Keybindings

Vim actions

Key Mode Action
Ctrl + h i Navigate left in insert mode
Ctrl + j i Navigate down in insert mode
Ctrl + k i Navigate up in insert mode
Ctrl + l i Navigate right in insert mode
Ctrl + s i, v, n Save current buffer
Space + x n Close current buffer
Tab n Go to next buffer
Shift + Tab n Go to previous buffer



Key Mode Action
Ctrl + n n Toggle file explorer
Ctrl + j n Focus file explorer


Key Mode Action
Space + g + f n Format current buffer


Key Mode Action
Space + m + i n Molten Init Python Kernel
Space + m + l n Molten Evaluate Current Line
Space + m + v v Molten Evaluate Visual Selection
Space + m + o n Molten Enter Cell Output
Space + m + h n Molten Hide Output


Key Mode Action
Space + f + f n Telescope Fuzzy Find File
Space + f + w n Telescope Fuzzy Find Word
Space + f + b n Telescope Fuzzy Find Buffers
Space + f + o n Telescope Fuzzy Find Oldfiles
Space + f + z n Telescope Fuzzy Find Current Buffer
Space + f + h n Telescope Help Tags


Key Mode Action
g + D n Go to Declaration
g + d n Go to Definition
K n Hover
g + i n Go to Implementation
leader + c + a n Code Action
Ctrl + k n Signature Help
Space + w + a n Add Workspace Folder
Space + w + r n Remove Workspace Folder
Space + w + l n List Workspace Folders
Space + D n Go to Type Definition
Space + r + n n Rename
g + r n List References
Space + e n Open Diagnostic Float
[ + d n Go to Previous Diagnostic
] + d n Go to Next Diagnostic
Space + q n Set to Quickfix list

✏️ Configuration

DataNvim is a very straightforward Neovim distribution that aims to be a batteries-included starting point for Data Science in Neovim. Thus, its directory structure for configuration is meant to be easy to understand:

├── init.lua                <- Neovim's entrypoint. You should probably not modify anything here. Just require your own files.
├── lua                     <- Configuration for DataNvim goes here.
│   ├── plugins.lua         <- Empty table. It will contain everything inside plugins/
│   ├── vim-options.lua     <- Vim options and general movement keybindings.
│   ├── plugins             <- This folder contains all of your plugins. To install new ones, create a file and make it return your plugin.
│   │   └── plugin_name.lua <- Returns a table with the plugin to install and its configuration.


A fully-featured batteries-included Neovim distribution for the world of Data Science. Prepared to run code and interact with Jupyter Notebooks without ever leaving your terminal.








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