Please note: This is the npm package for NodeRT that let you use install/generate the modules easily from the command line, for the full documentation + examples, please refer to the official NodeRT documantation:
Create NodeRT modules from the cmd line!
Install locally using npm install or install globally by running:
npm install -g nodert
Use the nodert package to generate NodeRT moduels on the fly!
nodert <command> [options]
install Installs the required NodeRT modules
-h, --help Show help
-m, --modules The modules to generate, separated by a semi-colon
-o, --outdir The output directory path
"nodert install"
Installs the NodeRT modules listed in the package.json file under the "_nodert.modules"
path in the local node_modules directory
"nodert install -m windows.devices.geolocation;windows.devices.sensors -o c:\mydir\mycode"
Installs the windows.devices.geolocation and windows.devices.sensors NodeRT modules
under the path: c:\myrdir\mycode
###Install NodeRT modules using package.json
With the nodert npm package you can also specify you nodert dependencies in your package.json file and nodert will generate the listed modules for you!
Running nodert install without specifying the modules/namespaces will result with the nodert tool installing the list of modules that specified in the package.json file under the "_nodert/modules" path.
For example, having the following section in your package.json will result with the installation of the "windows.devices.geolocation" and "windows.devices.sensors" modules:
"_nodert" : {
"modules" : [