- Ahmed Sayed Hassan Youssef => midosayed1762001@gmail.com github => https://github.com/Mido1762001
- Khaled Ashraf hanafy Mahmoud => 5aleda4rf@gmail.com github => https://github.com/KhaledAshraf74
- Ahmed Ibrahim => ahmedibrahim55518@gmail.com github => https://github.com/Ahmed-Ibrahim-30
- Samaa Khalifa Elsayed => samaakhalifa93@gmail.com github => https://github.com/SamaaKhalifa
- Noura Ashraf AbdElnaby => nourraasshhraf@gmail.com github => https://github.com/NouraAshraff
Just Run It,
The User Choose The Level (Easy-Medium-Hard),
Then User Choose The Murple That He Need Move it,
Then The GUI Show The All Available Moves And Hopes That User Choose One Position To Move To,
Then PC Play With Concept Alpha Beta Algorithm.
Find The different Distance For All Murples And Choose The Distance That Achieve Levels Board.