This app allows the user to create a digital card with their data: full name, position and links to their contact details and social network profiles.
We area a team of five students and we used html, sass and javascript partials compiled with node/gulp.
- Requirements
The project consists of 2 pages
- a welcome page
- a page with the application to create cards
The application work through this steps:
Allow the user to choose the style of the profile card, by 3 color palettes and the possibility of adding an extra frame or not.
Allow the user to preview the result of the data introduced in the preview card.
Check that the information provided by the user is correct. If it is not, show an error message .
Allow the user to create and share a web with is profile card and share it in Twitter
Data is saved in the Local Storage and showed in the preview card.
Modifications in data or design will automatically appear in the preview card.
Data has format restriction as indicated.
The different design sections are collapsible when clicked.
- Learning basic concepts of programming.
- Learning how to manipulate the Document Object Model, with event listeners, to change your page in response to user actions.
- To handle complex data structures, with arrays and objects.
- To request data to the server and store data locally.
- JavaScript
- HTML 5
- Node - Gulp
You need to have Node.js installed
Clone or download the repository in your computer.
To install local dependencies, type:
Also, you need to install React Route and SASS:
In the project directory, type:
This runs the app in the development mode.
Open http://localhost:3000 to view it in the browser.
You can also create a docs folder by running #### npm run docs
This project was created by:
Nur Ahissami Yordi
Lucia Enriquez
Beatriz Mendoza
Kate Quillen
Natalia Martín