Implementing simple social media API using Ruby
- Ruby Version : 3.0.1^
- Bundler Gem Version : 2.2.19^
- sinatra : 2.1
- puma : 5.4
- mysql2 : 0.5.3
- config : 3.1
- sinatra-contrib : 2.1
- First we need to clone the repo into our local machine
git clone
- Install dependencies using bundler. Make sure you already have Mysql DBMS in your local machine
bundle install --without test
- Run the migration script for production / development. see Migration Link
- Start the application
# using ruby
ruby main.rb
# using bundlerEn
bundle exec ruby main.rb
- Install dependecies for testing using bundler
bundle install
- Run migration script for testing
- Run rspec
Test coverages will automatically calculated each time you run rspec. If you want to see the individual codes that haven't been covered you can open index.html
inside coverages folder (After running rspec at least once of course)
Before doing any instruction below make sure you have installed Mysql v8 or equivalent
- Open mysql console and enter your root password
- Run the migration script
# testing
source /absolute/path/into/migrations/folder/migration_test.sql
# development / production
source /absolute/path/into/migrations/folder/migration.sql
- Open mysql console and enter your root password
- Run the migration script
# testing
source /absolute/path/into/migrations/folder/rollback_test.sql
# development / production
source /absolute/path/into/migrations/folder/rollback.sql