- KianaKouhai is a bot created by yours truely for my brothers stream, to make it a little more fun with some extra functionality. Note, KianaKouhai is still a complete work in progress and is by no means close to finished.
- Also note, I'm not the best developer on the planet and my code isn't gold. Especially with this being one of my first big projects. If you have any questions, just ask.
- Kiana currently features an economy system for gambling, robbing, giving, etc. made up points in chat. She keeps track by using and saving the economy data to wealth.json in the data folder. I have cleared it in case anyone want's to use the bot on their own. If you would like to see the original bot, stop by Drunklockholmes on Twitch when he's live and she'll be on.
- The bot itself is standalone other than using the Twitchio 2 library and that will be required if you want to use the bot on your own.
- Anyone is welcome to contribute to the project, just make a pull request and I'll take a look.