💻 全栈开发者 & 生物医学工程影像学研究者 & 深度学习爱好者 & 想创业但没有idea的打工人
🚀 喜欢玩王者荣耀,我的世界
🎓 上海交通大学电子信息与电气工程学院在读
📚 目前专注于互联网开发、深度学习、人工智能与医学图像处理、3D生成领域
- 我正在开发一个手术模拟系统和淋巴细胞分割系统。
- 互联网打工人,正在开发一个小软件。
- 热爱深度学习,希望能造出强人工智能,目前在训练自己的gpt模型。
- 除了编程,我也是一名篮球爱好者,认为篮球是一种极好的放松方式。
- 手术模拟小软件:一个医学小软件。
- 代码管理平台:基于React和Spring Boot的全栈项目,帮助开发者更高效地管理代码。
- 持续提高自己的开发技能,并将其应用于实际项目中。
- 造出真正的强人工智能。
✨ 喜欢挑战,乐于分享,期待与更多志同道合的小伙伴一起合作!
💻 Full-Stack Developer & Biomedical Engineering Imaging Researcher & Deep Learning Enthusiast & Aspiring Entrepreneur without an Idea
🚀 Passionate about pushing the boundaries of technology and leveraging it to create value for society
🎓 Currently studying at the School of Electronic Information and Electrical Engineering, Shanghai Jiao Tong University
📚 Focused on internet development, deep learning, AI, and medical image processing, with an interest in 3D generation
- I’m developing a surgical simulation system and a lymphocyte segmentation system.
- A hardworking tech professional, currently developing a small software project.
- Passionate about deep learning, aiming to create strong AI, currently training my own GPT model.
- Besides programming, I’m also a basketball enthusiast and find it a great way to relax.
- Surgical Simulation Software: A small medical software.
- Code Management Platform: A full-stack project based on React and Spring Boot to help developers manage code more efficiently.
- Continuously improve my development skills and apply them to real-world projects.
- Build truly strong AI.
- GitHub: github.com/NytePlus
- Email: nyte_plus@sjtu.edu.cn
✨ Love challenges, enjoy sharing, and look forward to collaborating with more like-minded individuals!