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Liquidity is a language to program Smart Contracts for Dune Network (and Tezos). It uses the syntax of OCaml (and ReasonML), and strictly complies to Michelson security restrictions. Liquidity is distributed under the terms of the GPLv3 license.
The Liquidity project contains:
- A compiler from Liquidity files (.liq extension) to Michelson
- A de-compiler from Michelson files (.tz extension) to Liquidity
- A Tezos client to deploy and interact with Liquidity contracts
The Liquidity language provides the following features:
Full coverage of the Michelson language: anything that can be written in Michelson can be written in Liquidity.
Local variables instead of stack manipulations: values can be stored in local variables.
High-level types: types like sum-types and record-types can be defined and used in Liquidity programs.
The master
branch contains the latest stable release. The next
branch contains the upcoming version: the language on the next
branch is for experimentation, and features may be modified before the
next release.
See installation instructions and usage documentation.
Documentation can be found in the reference and many examples are in the tests and tests/others directories.
All features of Michelson are supported in Liquidity. All tests from can be decompiled to Liquidity and recompiled to Michelson.