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Merge pull request #161 from ashutosh-3474/hardday6
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bluemincoder authored Apr 13, 2024
2 parents c96e1e2 + 8608b64 commit b410029
Showing 1 changed file with 107 additions and 1 deletion.
108 changes: 107 additions & 1 deletion hard/day_6/solution.cpp
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1 +1,107 @@
//Write your code here
using namespace std;
#define fo(i,a,b) for(int i=a;i<=b;i++) // Macro for looping from a to b

char leftString[1010], rightString[1010]; // Arrays for storing left and right strings
int stateCount, transitions[20000][10], suffixLinks[20000], prefixSums[17000][2010], length, n, dp[2005][17000], reachable[2005][17000], leftLength, rightLength; // Variables for counting, storing transitions, and dynamic programming

int newState(int x, int y){
return !transitions[x][y] ? transitions[x][y] = ++stateCount : transitions[x][y]; // Function to get or create a new state

void insertStrings(){
leftLength = strlen(leftString + 1), rightLength = strlen(rightString + 1); // Get the lengths of left and right strings
int x = 0, y = 0; // Initialize states for left and right strings
if(leftLength == rightLength){ // If lengths are equal
fo(i, 1, leftLength){
if(x == y){
fo(j, leftString[i] - '0' + 1, rightString[i] - '0' - 1)
prefixSums[newState(x, j)][leftLength - i]++; // Increment count for transitions
x = newState(x, leftString[i] - '0'); // Transition to next state
y = newState(y, rightString[i] - '0'); // Transition to next state
fo(j, leftString[i] - '0' + 1, 9)
prefixSums[newState(x, j)][leftLength - i]++; // Increment count for transitions
x = newState(x, leftString[i] - '0'); // Transition to next state
fo(j, (i == 1), rightString[i] - '0' - 1)
prefixSums[newState(y, j)][rightLength - i]++; // Increment count for transitions
y = newState(y, rightString[i] - '0'); // Transition to next state
prefixSums[x][0]++; // Increment count for final state
if(x != y) prefixSums[y][0]++; // Increment count for final state
fo(i, 1, leftLength){
fo(j, leftString[i] - '0' + 1, 9)
prefixSums[newState(x, j)][leftLength - i]++; // Increment count for transitions
x = newState(x, leftString[i] - '0'); // Transition to next state
fo(i, 1, rightLength){
fo(j, (i == 1), rightString[i] - '0' - 1)
prefixSums[newState(y, j)][rightLength - i]++; // Increment count for transitions
y = newState(y, rightString[i] - '0'); // Transition to next state
fo(i, leftLength + 1, rightLength - 1)
fo(j, 1, 9)
prefixSums[newState(0, j)][i - 1]++; // Increment count for transitions
prefixSums[x][0]++; // Increment count for final state
prefixSums[y][0]++; // Increment count for final state

queue<int> bfsQueue; // Queue for BFS

void buildAutomaton(){
fo(i, 0, 9) if(transitions[0][i])
bfsQueue.push(transitions[0][i]); // Push initial states to the queue
int currentState = bfsQueue.front();
fo(i, 0, rightLength - 1)
prefixSums[currentState][i] += prefixSums[suffixLinks[currentState]][i]; // Update counts using suffix link
fo(i, 0, 9){
suffixLinks[transitions[currentState][i]] = transitions[suffixLinks[currentState]][i]; // Set suffix link
else transitions[currentState][i] = transitions[suffixLinks[currentState]][i]; // Set transition
fo(i, 0, stateCount)
fo(j, 1, n)
prefixSums[i][j] += prefixSums[i][j - 1]; // Compute prefix sums

int main(){
scanf("%s%s%d", leftString + 1, rightString + 1, &n); // Input left, right strings, and n
insertStrings(); // Construct automaton
buildAutomaton(); // Build automaton
memset(dp, -32, sizeof(dp)); // Initialize DP table
dp[0][0] = 0; // Base case
fo(i, 0, n - 1)
fo(j, 0, stateCount)
if(dp[i][j] >= 0)
fo(k, 0, 9)
dp[i + 1][transitions[j][k]] = max(dp[i + 1][transitions[j][k]], dp[i][j] + prefixSums[transitions[j][k]][n - i - 1]); // DP transition
int result = -1e9; // Initialize result
fo(i, 0, stateCount)
result = max(result, dp[n][i]); // Update result
printf("%d\n", result); // Output result

fo(i, 0, stateCount)
reachable[n][i] = (result == dp[n][i]); // Mark states achieving the result
for(int i = n - 1; i; i--)
fo(j, 0, stateCount)
fo(k, 0, 9)
reachable[i][j] |= reachable[i + 1][transitions[j][k]] && (dp[i + 1][transitions[j][k]] == dp[i][j] + prefixSums[transitions[j][k]][n - i - 1]); // Mark states for next iteration
int currentState = 0; // Initialize state
fo(i, 1, n)
fo(k, 0, 9)
if(reachable[i][transitions[currentState][k]] && dp[i][transitions[currentState][k]] == dp[i - 1][currentState] + prefixSums[transitions[currentState][k]][n - i]){
printf("%d", k); // Output character
currentState = transitions[currentState][k]; // Transition to next state

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