感谢关注这个插件的人们,感谢aplayer的hexo插件作者@grzhan,感谢A or D播放器作者@Diygod
这个项目的维护者完全不会js ,是靠查谷歌解决的
Embed CBPlayer(https://github.com/cdnbye/CBPlayer) in Hexo posts/pages.
npm install hexo-tag-cbplayer --save
{% cbplayer key=value ... %}
key can be
dplayer options:
'autoplay', 'loop', 'screenshot', 'hotkey', 'mutex', 'dmunlimited' : bool options, use "yes" "y" "true" "1" "on" or just without value to enable
'preload', 'theme', 'lang', 'logo', 'url', 'pic', 'thumbnails', 'vidtype', 'suburl', 'subtype', 'subbottom', 'subcolor', 'subcolor', 'id', 'api', 'token', 'addition', 'dmuser' : string arguments
'volume', 'maximum' : number arguments
container options:
'width', 'height' : string, used in container element style
'code' : value of this key will be append to script tag
arguments to CBPlayer options mapping:
container: "you needn't set this",
autoplay: 'autoplay',
theme: 'theme',
loop: 'loop',
lang: 'lang',
screenshot: 'screenshot',
hotkey: 'hotkey',
preload: 'preload',
logo: 'logo',
volume: 'volume',
mutex: 'mutex',
video: {
url: 'url',
pic: 'pic',
thumbnails: 'thumbnails',
type: 'vidtype',
subtitle: {
url: 'suburl',
type: 'subtype',
fontSize: 'subsize',
bottom: 'subbottom',
color: 'subcolor',
danmaku: {
id: 'id',
api: 'api',
token: 'token',
maximum: 'maximum',
addition: ['addition'],
user: 'dmuser',
unlimited: 'dmunlimited',
icons: 'icons',
contextmenu: 'menu',
see dplayer documents for more infomation.
for example:
{% cbplayer "url=https://moeplayer.b0.upaiyun.com/dplayer/hikarunara.mp4" "addition=https://dplayer.daoapp.io/bilibili?aid=4157142" "api=https://api.prprpr.me/dplayer/" "pic=https://moeplayer.b0.upaiyun.com/dplayer/hikarunara.jpg" "id=9E2E3368B56CDBB4" "loop=yes" "theme=#FADFA3" "autoplay=false" "token=tokendemo" %}
{% cbplayer 'url=some.mp4' "id=someid" "api=https://api.prprpr.me/dplayer/" "addition=/some.json" 'code=player.on("loadstart",function(){console.log("loadstart")})' "autoplay" %}
$(document).on('pjax:start', function () {
if (window.dplayers) {
for (let i = 0; i < window.dplayers.length; i++) {
window.dplayers = [];
You can modify variables scriptDir
(default: "/assets/js/" ) and styleDir
(default: "/assets/css/") in index.js
according to your blog's directory structure.
or just use _config.yml configuration:
# on _config.yml of hexo-site
js_path: /path/to/your/default/path
css_path: /sth
default: #default tag argument
id: somedefid # equals to setting id=somedefid in all {%dplayer%} tags
api: https://api.prprpr.me/dplayer/
#and other options...
If any issue occurs, tell me via issue, use a hexo raw tag like below to use dplayer:
{% raw %}
<div id="player1" class="dplayer"></div>
<script src="dist/DPlayer.min.js"></script><!-- use your path -->
var dp = new DPlayer({{
container: document.getElementById('dplayer'),
autoplay: false,
theme: '#FADFA3',
loop: true,
screenshot: true,
hotkey: true,
logo: 'logo.png',
volume: 0.2,
mutex: true,
video: {
url: 'demo.mp4',
pic: 'demo.png',
thumbnails: 'thumbnails.jpg',
type: 'auto'
subtitle: {
url: 'webvtt.vtt',
type: 'webvtt',
fontSize: '25px',
bottom: '10%',
color: '#b7daff'
danmaku: {
id: 'demo',
api: 'https://api.prprpr.me/dplayer/',
token: 'demo',
maximum: 3000,
user: 'DIYgod',
margin: {
bottom: '15%'
unlimited: true
contextmenu: [
text: 'custom contextmenu',
link: 'https://github.com/MoePlayer/DPlayer'
{% endraw %}
see DPlayer for usage detail
- Publish it to the hexo plugin list and npm