This is an implementation of a Python client for the Saiku core features. It exposes those features as a REST webservice.
The architecture is based on a messaging queue service, RabbitMQ. Saiku core is implemented in Java, it exposes its functionalities as RPC functions. On the other side, there's a Python RPC client which connects to the message queue, sends messages to the Java RPC server.
- Install Erlang (
- Install RabbitMQ (
- Download the Saiku Report Viewer Server
git clone -b development
cd saiku-report-viewer-server
mvn install '-Dmaven.test.skip=true' '-Dmaven.javadoc.skip=true' '-Dcheckstyle.skip=true'
- Download the Saiku Python RPC Client
git clone
cd saiku-pytyon
pipenv install
- Run the RabbitMQ service
- Run the Saiku service
cd saiku-report-viewer-server\reporting-viewer\target
java -jar saiku-report-viewer-server.jar
- Run the Python client
cd saiku-pytyon
pipenv shell
cd src
python -m saiku.main
- Open the following URL on a browser: