Deprecated: Please see OSVVM Libraries
Change is inevitable. Sometimes sooner than expected. The Verification IP repository has been replaced by the OsvvmLibraries repository.
See: OSVVM Libraries
"Git" the entire OSVVM model library using git clone with the "--recursive" flag:
git clone --recursive
This repository is current through the 2020.07 release.
Why deprecate? With OsvvmLibraries includes the OSVVM utility, documentation, scripts, and verification component repositories as submodules.
The Verification IP library includes just the OSVVM scripts and verification component repositories as submodules.
It is easier to manage a single repository rather than having separate repositories.
OSVVM provides utility and model libraries that simplify your FPGA and ASIC verification tasks. Using these libraries you can create a simple, readable, and powerful testbench that is suitable for either a simple FPGA block or a complex ASIC.
- AXI4 Full
- Master - includes burst support
- Memory Responder model - includes burst support
- Transaction Responder model - but it does not support bursts
- AXI4 Lite
- Master
- Transaction Responder model
- AXI Stream
- Master
- Slave
- Transmitter (aka master) - with error injection
- Receiver (aka slave) - with error injection
- OSVVM Common - Required
- Shared transcript interfaces
- OSVVM Scripts
- Recommended. Script layer on top of tcl
- Common simulator compilation and execution methodology
We use the word models as short hand for Transaction Based Models (TBM). They are simply an entity and architecture coded in an effective manner for verification. Some use other terminology such as VHDL verification components (VVC) - these are the same thing. Historically we called the models Bus Functional Models (BFM). - which in they are. However, recently we abandoned BFM due to others using BFM to refer to their own lesser capable subprogram based approach.
OSVVM models use records for the transaction interfaces, so connecting them to your testbench is simple - connect only a single signal.
Currently this methodology requires that the records use element types with resolution functions. See the OSVVM Utility library package, ResolutionPkg.vhd.
When VHDL-2019 is implemented, we plan to transition to the new interface feature. This feature is also based on records and for OSVVM only requires the addition of a mode view declaration in the package and an update to the model port declarations.
Testbenches are in the Git repository, so you can run a simulation and see a live example of how to use the models.