This software uses neural networks to process detector images, counting and classifying the defects it finds.
The motivation and full description of the project can be found here.
contains tools to annotate the data manually, marking the position of the defects in the images, as well as classifying them. The Matlab software code is under ClassLabelingTool
converts the labels to csv format.
contains scripts to auxiliate training.
contains python scripts to get predictions over a set of images, and also matlab scripts that run the python scripts.
contains utility tools for other classes to use.
contains csv files used in training and testing.
Our approach to detect defects is based on keras-retinanet 0.2. It uses Keras (2.1.3) on top of Tensorflow (1.5.0). Other requirements: tox (2.9.1), numpy (>= 1.14), OpenCV (3.3.0), Pillow, keras-resnet, cython, matplotlib, h5py, pandas, setGPU.
A detailed tutorial on submitting training to Ukko2 and using the labeling tool can be found in docs/