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This a React/Redux application that displays movies by categories. The application makes requests to TMDB API for movie data. The application show movie trailers to help users decide if they would like to see the movie

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This is a web application that displays Movies and TV series based on different categories. This application obtains data from TMDB via the TMDB api. The application also shows a youtube trailer of movies and tv series, which makes make it easier for users to choose which movies to see without leaving the application. Each category can be filtered based on genres.

Demo Link

Production Dependencies

Dependency Use
prop-types Declare types for props passed into React components
react React library
react-dom React library for DOM rendering
react-redux Connects React components to Redux
react-router-dom React library for routing
redux Library for unidirectional data flows
redux-thunk Async redux library middleware
axios Make HTTP calls
react-youtube To embed youtue player in our appliation
movie-trailer To obtain the youtube video ID of a video

Development Dependencies

Dependency Use
babel-eslint Lint modern JavaScript via ESLint
eslint Lints JavaScript
eslint-plugin-react-hooks Adds additional React-hooks-related rules to ESLint
eslint-plugin-import Advanced linting of ES6 imports
eslint-plugin-react Adds additional React-related rules to ESLint
jest Automated testing framework
enzyme Test components, and write assertions
enzyme-adapter-react-16 React adapter for enzyme
stylelint Lints Css
stylelint-config-standard Advanced linting configoration for css
stylelint-csstree-validator Advanced linting validation for css
stylelint-scss Adds additional SCSS-related rules to StyleLint


  • Internet
  • Computer

Install and Setup

  • Clone repo to your local
  • cd into the cloned repo
  • Obtain TMDB API KEY
  • Create a .env file in the root of the repository
  • Add all necessary environment variables to .env file (Check .env.sample file for required variables)
  • Open a terminal in the root of the app
  • Run npm install to install dependencies
  • Run Start up your server with npm run start
  • Open http://localhost:3000/ in your browser.


  • Open a terminal and run npm run test.


👤 Adedeko Olawale

🤝 Contributing

Contributions, issues and feature requests are welcome!

Feel free to check the issues page.

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📝 License


This a React/Redux application that displays movies by categories. The application makes requests to TMDB API for movie data. The application show movie trailers to help users decide if they would like to see the movie







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