Operating Systems Project 471
Prestin Bell
Nia Newton
The project deals with two problems related to operating systems:
CPU Scheduling (50 points)
Process Synchronization (50 points) The background material required to solve these problems has been covered in chapters 3-6 of the textbook. You can choose either Java or C++ as a programming language for the project. Solutions to each of these problems will be graded separately. You are required to submit the following by the deadline. You will submit a single directory that has two subdirectories for each of the problems.
The directory you submit will have the following structure:
CS471PROJECT (main dir)
-------------- CPUSCHED (subdir 1)
-------------- README file with directions (make sure to include actual commands that can be copied and pasted to run)
-------------- SOURCE code (well documented)
-------------- Executable code -------------- Sample input data files
-------------- Sample output file(s)
--------------- PRODUCER-CONSUMER (subdir 2)
-------------- README file with directions (make sure to include actual commands that can be copied and pasted to run)
-------------- SOURCE code (well documented)
-------------- Executable code
-------------- Sample input data files
-------------- Sample output file(s)