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A flexible Functional Programming Library for VBScript. Include a safe anonymous function generator & many other useful functions. Lazy evaluation & infinite stream are also supported.

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  _______   ______    ________   ______   ___   ___   ______   _________  ______
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A powerful, elegent & lightweight Functional Programming library for VBScript, overturn your understanding of VBScript programming.

The first anonymous function support for VBScript, add your environment on demand.

Dozens of common, general and easy-to-use methods are also provided.

Through the encapsulation and nesting of functions, complex problems are stripped of their cocoons to show the essence of transformation.

It's just like magic! Programming and mathematics can be so similar!

Enjoy the charm of functional programming!

View introduction in

Getting Started


  • Microsoft Windows Operating System


Run following commands as administrator:

git clone
cd Brackets.vbs
regsvr32 Brackets.wsc


Then to create a instance of class, use following code:

Set [] = CreateObject("Brackets")


A Portable version can help you publish your script to others.

Copy script file Brackets.vbs & Brackets.js to your script's parent folder.

Assume that your script's file name is MyScript.vbs, use following template code:


<job id="MyScript">
	<script language="JScript" src="Brackets.js"/>
	<script language="VBScript" src="Brackets.vbs"/>
	<script language="VBScript" src="MyScript.vbs"/>

Save Template.wsf to folder where your script also in.

In another way, you can embedding script & library into a single WSF:


<job id="MyScript">
	<script language="JScript">
		// contents of "Brackets.js"
	<script language="VBScript">
		' contents of "Brackets.vbs"
	<script language="VBScript">
		' contents  of "MyScript.vbs"

Of course, you can only embed necessary part(s) of script into a WSF, we will talk about it no more.

To create a instance of the class:

Set [] = New Brackets


Methods for Function

[].Function(strParameters, strBody) -> varFunction

A restricted anonymous function generator.

The function it generates can only refer to the arguments & built-in functions in VBScript.

' Save Function to a Variable
Set IsBigger = [].Function("i, j", "Return i > j")
Msgbox IsBigger(2001, 1228)

' Recursion
Set Factorial = [].Function("i", "If i > 1 Then : Return i * Callee(i - 1) : Else : Return 1 : End If")
Msgbox Factorial(6)

' Variable-length Argument
Msgbox [].Function("", "Return ArgumentsCount")(2001, 1228)
Msgbox [].Function("", "Return Arguments(0) + Arguments(1)")(2001, 1228)
Msgbox [].Function("", "Return Join(Arguments, "" "")")(2001, 1228)

Argument "strParameters" doesn't support prefix "ByRef" & "ByVal". You can think of it as always "ByVal".

Keyword "Return" means save the return value, It will not really return.

Call [].Function("", "Return Empty : Msgbox ""Fake Return!""")()

[].Lambda(strParameters, strBody, strBindings, arrBindings) -> varFunction

Similar to [].Function, but with bindings.

' Save variable to Lambda's environment
Set Echo = [].Lambda("strArg", "WSH.Echo strArg", "WSH", Array(WScript))
Echo "Hello, world!"
' Modify binded variables

Set Counter = [].Lambda("", "Return i : i = i + 1", "i", Array(0))
Msgbox Counter() & " " & Counter() & " " & Counter()

Set Fibonacci = [].Lambda("", "Return i + j : i = i + j : j = i - j", "i, j", Array(0,1))
Fibonacci() : Fibonacci() : Fibonacci() ' -> 1 1 2
Msgbox Fibonacci() & " " & Fibonacci() & " " & Fibonacci()

[].Times varSubprogram, lngTimes

Run function many times.

[].Times [].Function("", "Msgbox ""Say something important three times."""), 3

[].Once(varFunction) -> varDisposableFunction

Run function just one time.

Set varTest = [].Once([].Function("", "Msgbox 1"))
varTest() : varTest() : varTest()

[].Curry(varFunction, lngArgumentsCount)

' varFunction(a,b,c), 3 -> varFunction(a)(b)(c)

Set varAdd = [].Curry([].Function("a, b, c","Return a + b + c"), 3)
Msgbox varAdd(1,2,3)
Msgbox varAdd(1,2)(3)
Msgbox varAdd(1)(2)(3)
Msgbox varAdd(1)(2,3)

[].Partial(varFunction, arrArguments)

' varFunction(a,b,c,d) , Array(1,2) -> varFunction(1,2,c,d)

Set varAdd = [].Function("a, b, c","Return a + b + c")
Set varAdd3 = [].Partial(varAdd, Array(1, 2))
Msgbox varAdd3(3)

[].Compose(varFunc1, varFunc2, ...) -> varPipelineFunction

' varF3(varF2(varF1(1))) -> varPipeline(1)

Set varF1=[].Function("x", "Return x + 10")
Set varF2=[].Function("x", "Return x * 10")
Set varF3=[].Function("x", "Return x - 10")
Msgbox [].Compose(varF1,varF2,varF3)(1)

Methods for Array

[].Range(numStart, numStop, numStep) -> arrNumber

' Range(1,3,1) -> Array(1,2,3)
' Range(1,3,2) -> Array(1,3)
' Range(1,3,3) -> Array(1)
' Range(1,3,0) -> Error
' Range(1,3,-1) -> Array()

Msgbox [].Reduce([].Function("i, j", "Return i * j"), [].Range(1,6,1))

[].CArray(varSet) -> Array(...)

Turn Set (like FSO.Drives) to Array.

Msgbox Join([].CArray(CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject").Drives), " ")

[].Append(varSet1, varSet2) -> arrAppended

' Array(a, b), Array(c, d) -> Array(a, b, c, d)

Msgbox Join([].Append(Array(1, 2), Array(3, 4)))

[].Flatten(arrNested) -> arrFlattened

' Array(a, Array(b), Array(Array(c))) -> Array(a, b, c)

Msgbox Join([].Flatten(Array(1, 2, Array(3, Array(4)), Array(Array(Array(Array(5)))))), " ")

[].Zip(varLeft, varRight) -> arrZipped

' Array(a, b, c), Array(d, e, f) ->
' Array(Array(a, d), Array(b, e), Array(c, f))

[].ForEach [].Function("arrArg", "Msgbox arrArg(0) + arrArg(1)"),
	[].Zip(Array(1, 0, -1), Array(-1, 0, 1))

[].Reverse(varSet) -> arrReversed

Msgbox Join([].Reverse(Array(1,2,3)), " ") ' -> 3 2 1

Methods for Function & Array

[].Map(varFunction, varSet) -> arrMapped

'Func, Array(item1,item2,...) -> Array(Func(item1),Func(item2),...)

Msgbox Join([].Map([].Function("i", "Return i^2"), [].Range(0,9,1)), " ")

[].ForEach varSubprogram, varSet

Similar to [].Map, but without return value.

[].ForEach [].Function("strArg", "Msgbox strArg"), [].Range(1,5,1)

[].Apply(varFunction, varArguments) -> varReturn

' varFunciton, Array(a, b, c, ...) -> varFunction(a, b, c, ...)

' Msgbox [].Function("i, j", "Return i+j")(12, 28)
Msgbox [].Apply([].Function("i, j", "Return i+j"), Array(12, 28))

[].SpreadArguments(varFunction, varArguments) -> varReturn

Same as [].Apply.

[].GatherArguments(varFunction) -> varWrappedFunction

' varFunction(a, b, c, ...) -> varFunciton(Array(a, b, c, ...))

Msgbox [].GatherArguments([].Function("arrArg", "Return arrArg(1)"))(333, 444, 555)

[].Filter(varFunction, varSet) -> arrFiltered

Leave those items which pass the test.

Msgbox Join([].Filter([].Function("i", "Return i > 4"), Array(1,3,5,7)), " ")

[].Reduce(varFunction, varSet) -> varReduced

[].Reduce(varFunction, [].Append(Array(varInitialValue), varSet)) -> varReduced

Use binary arguments function to reduce an array to a single variable.

Msgbox [].Reduce([].Function("i, j", "Return i * j"), [].Range(1,6,1))
Msgbox [].Reduce([].Function("i, j", "Return i Or j"), Array(True, True, False))
Msgbox [].Reduce([].Function("i, j", "Return i And j"), Array(True, True, False))

[].Accumulate(varFunction, varSet) -> varAccumulated

[].Accumulate(varFunction, [].Append(Array(varInitialValue), varSet)) -> varAccumulated

Same as [].Reduce.

[].Every(arrArguments, varFunction) -> boolTested

All items meet the requirements.

Msgbox [].Every(Array(1, 2, 3), [].Function("i", "Return i > 0"))
Msgbox [].Every(Array(1, -1), [].Function("i", "Return i > 0"))

[].Some(arrArguments, varFunction) -> boolTested

Some items meet the requirements.

Msgbox [].Some(Array(1, -1), [].Function("i", "Return i > 0"))
Msgbox [].Some(Array(0, -1), [].Function("i", "Return i > 0"))

Other Methods

[].Set varVariable, varValue

Assign varValue to varVariable whether varValue is an object or not.

[].Set objFS, CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
[].Set PI, Atn(1) * 4

[].If(boolCondition, varTrue, varFalse) -> varRet

Just like ternary operator in other languages.

But no short-circuit, all arguments will be evaluated.

Msgbox [].If(2000 > 3000, "2000£¤ > 3000$", "2000£¤ <= 3000$")
Msgbox [].If(0.1 + 0.2 = 0.3, "0.1 + 0.2 = 0.3", "0.1 + 0.2 <> 0.3")

[].Assert boolCondition, strSource, strDescription

[].Assert WScript.Arguments.Count = 1, _
	"WScript.Arguments", "Need a command-line argument."

[].GetObject(strProgID) -> objCOM

If strProgID available, get it directly, else create & get it.

[].Set objWord, [].GetObject("Word.Application")

[].Unless boolPredicate, varSubprogram

[].Unless True, [].Function("", "Msgbox 1")
[].Unless False, [].Function("", "Msgbox 2")

[].Min(numA, numB) -> numMinimum

Return the minimum value of two arguments.

Msgbox [].Min(-100, 100)

arrTest =  Array(1, 0, -1, -100)
Msgbox [].Reduce([].Lambda("i, j", "Return [].Min(i, j)", "[]", Array([])), arrTest)

[].Max(numA, numB) -> numMaximum

Return the maximum value of two arguments.

Msgbox [].Max(-100, 100)

arrTest =  Array(10, 0, -1, -100)
Msgbox [].Reduce([].Lambda("i, j", "Return [].Max(i, j)", "[]", Array([])), arrTest)


Hungarian notation: lng Long, str String, obj Object, arr Array, var Variable, num Number.




If you find any bug, please open an issue.

If you want to add some code, remember obey the Hungarian naming rule.

Then simply open your pull request!

See Also


A flexible Functional Programming Library for VBScript. Include a safe anonymous function generator & many other useful functions. Lazy evaluation & infinite stream are also supported.




