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Jordan O edited this page Oct 24, 2021 · 4 revisions

Welcome to the Magic_Mirror_RP4 wiki!

Please find your way down these pages in chronological order to set up your Magic Mirror project!

  • If any of the content is unclear, please send me an issues request and give me a detailed explanation of your issue, and what a copy of your code / what you did / what you have so far :)

Check out my <Code> section to copy my config.js file and paste it into your ~/MagicMirror/config/config.js file! The easiest way using the command line would be:

  • cd ~/MagicMirror/config
  • sudo rm config.js
  • copy my entire config.js file in my "Code" section
  • nano config.js
  • paste the code inside by right-clicking
    • Press the buttons: CTL + O (overwrite file) [This will save the file]
    • Press the buttons: CTL + X (exit file)