The Collatz conjecture in Clojure as a lazy sequence. Also includes a neat visualisation inspired by this awesome video, you can run the visualisation with lein run
Nothing will render until you hit the Enter
key, and even then it may take a little while, it's fairly CPU intensive.
Visualisation is still completely wrong right now, it still looks kind of neat, but it's not the final product.
You'll find the actual Collatz sequence function in the collatz.core
(ns cool.thing
(:require [collatz.core :as c]))
(first (c/collatz 1000)) ;; Returns 1000, the seq starts where you specify and counts down.
(last (c/collatz 1000)) ;; Returns 1, as it always will be, I assume?
If the last value is ever not 1, notify your closest mathematician and run.