- Omar Akram
- Lamis Al Zobiedy
- Mohammed Fathi
- Heba Ibrahim
- Ibrahim Elkholy
- Samar Ali
- Java 8 or higher recommended.
- JavaFX
- Check Your Firewall and configure it.
- 1)Please attach the jar files to the Client and the Server
- 2)Run the serverpage and then press the ON button
- 3)Run the Client main
- 4)Available usernames ( iot, omar, heba, lamis) the password is "x" for all accounts
- 5)make sure mysql server at the "localhost" on port 3306 and you can add another account
- Login
- #
- Online / Offline Status
- Play vs Computer with levels
- Hard Level was implemented using MiniMax Algorithm
- Play vs another player 1 vs 1
- Turn the Server On and Off