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feat(emby): ✨ Added a emby recently added sync!
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tidusjar committed Nov 19, 2021
1 parent d9ee25b commit a0e1406
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Showing 16 changed files with 232 additions and 93 deletions.
47 changes: 41 additions & 6 deletions src/Ombi.Api.Emby/EmbyApi.cs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,12 +1,8 @@
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Net.Http;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Internal;
using Newtonsoft.Json;
using Ombi.Api.Emby.Models;
using Ombi.Api.Emby.Models.Media;
using Ombi.Api.Emby.Models.Media.Tv;
using Ombi.Api.Emby.Models.Movie;
using Ombi.Helpers;
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -124,22 +120,36 @@ public async Task<List<LibraryVirtualFolders>> GetLibraries(string apiKey, strin
return response;

public async Task<EmbyItemContainer<EmbyMovie>> GetAllMovies(string apiKey, string parentIdFilder, int startIndex, int count, string userId, string baseUri)
return await GetAll<EmbyMovie>("Movie", apiKey, userId, baseUri, true, startIndex, count, parentIdFilder);

public async Task<EmbyItemContainer<EmbyMovie>> RecentlyAddedMovies(string apiKey, string parentIdFilder, int startIndex, int count, string userId, string baseUri)
return await RecentlyAdded<EmbyMovie>("Movie", apiKey, userId, baseUri, true, startIndex, count, parentIdFilder);

public async Task<EmbyItemContainer<EmbyEpisodes>> GetAllEpisodes(string apiKey, string parentIdFilder, int startIndex, int count, string userId, string baseUri)
return await GetAll<EmbyEpisodes>("Episode", apiKey, userId, baseUri, false, startIndex, count, parentIdFilder);

public async Task<EmbyItemContainer<EmbyEpisodes>> RecentlyAddedEpisodes(string apiKey, string parentIdFilder, int startIndex, int count, string userId, string baseUri)
return await RecentlyAdded<EmbyEpisodes>("Episode", apiKey, userId, baseUri, false, startIndex, count, parentIdFilder);

public async Task<EmbyItemContainer<EmbySeries>> GetAllShows(string apiKey, string parentIdFilder, int startIndex, int count, string userId, string baseUri)
return await GetAll<EmbySeries>("Series", apiKey, userId, baseUri, false, startIndex, count, parentIdFilder);

public async Task<EmbyItemContainer<EmbySeries>> RecentlyAddedShows(string apiKey, string parentIdFilder, int startIndex, int count, string userId, string baseUri)
return await RecentlyAdded<EmbySeries>("Series", apiKey, userId, baseUri, false, startIndex, count, parentIdFilder);

public async Task<SeriesInformation> GetSeriesInformation(string mediaId, string apiKey, string userId, string baseUrl)
return await GetInformation<SeriesInformation>(mediaId, apiKey, userId, baseUrl);
Expand All @@ -154,6 +164,31 @@ public async Task<EpisodeInformation> GetEpisodeInformation(string mediaId, stri
return await GetInformation<EpisodeInformation>(mediaId, apiKey, userId, baseUrl);

private async Task<EmbyItemContainer<T>> RecentlyAdded<T>(string type, string apiKey, string userId, string baseUri, bool includeOverview, int startIndex, int count, string parentIdFilder = default)
var request = new Request($"emby/users/{userId}/items", baseUri, HttpMethod.Get);

request.AddQueryString("Recursive", true.ToString());
request.AddQueryString("IncludeItemTypes", type);
request.AddQueryString("Fields", includeOverview ? "ProviderIds,Overview" : "ProviderIds");
request.AddQueryString("startIndex", startIndex.ToString());
request.AddQueryString("limit", count.ToString());
request.AddQueryString("sortBy", "DateCreated");
request.AddQueryString("SortOrder", "Descending");
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(parentIdFilder))
request.AddQueryString("ParentId", parentIdFilder);

request.AddQueryString("IsVirtualItem", "False");

AddHeaders(request, apiKey);

var obj = await Api.Request<EmbyItemContainer<T>>(request);
return obj;

private async Task<T> GetInformation<T>(string mediaId, string apiKey, string userId, string baseUrl)
var request = new Request($"emby/users/{userId}/items/{mediaId}", baseUrl, HttpMethod.Get);
Expand Down
3 changes: 3 additions & 0 deletions src/Ombi.Api.Emby/IBaseEmbyApi.cs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -29,5 +29,8 @@ Task<EmbyItemContainer<EmbyMovie>> GetCollection(string mediaId,
Task<MovieInformation> GetMovieInformation(string mediaId, string apiKey, string userId, string baseUrl);
Task<EpisodeInformation> GetEpisodeInformation(string mediaId, string apiKey, string userId, string baseUrl);
Task<PublicInfo> GetPublicInformation(string baseUrl);
Task<EmbyItemContainer<EmbyMovie>> RecentlyAddedMovies(string apiKey, string parentIdFilder, int startIndex, int count, string userId, string baseUri);
Task<EmbyItemContainer<EmbyEpisodes>> RecentlyAddedEpisodes(string apiKey, string parentIdFilder, int startIndex, int count, string userId, string baseUri);
Task<EmbyItemContainer<EmbySeries>> RecentlyAddedShows(string apiKey, string parentIdFilder, int startIndex, int count, string userId, string baseUri);
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions src/Ombi.Helpers/JobDataKeys.cs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -3,6 +3,7 @@
public class JobDataKeys
public const string RecentlyAddedSearch = "recentlyAddedSearch";
public const string EmbyRecentlyAddedSearch = nameof(EmbyRecentlyAddedSearch);
public const string NotificationOptions = nameof(NotificationOptions);
141 changes: 88 additions & 53 deletions src/Ombi.Schedule/Jobs/Emby/EmbyContentSync.cs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -5,6 +5,8 @@
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.SignalR;
using Microsoft.Extensions.Logging;
using Ombi.Api.Emby;
using Ombi.Api.Emby.Models;
using Ombi.Api.Emby.Models.Media.Tv;
using Ombi.Api.Emby.Models.Movie;
using Ombi.Core.Settings;
using Ombi.Core.Settings.Models.External;
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -36,24 +38,33 @@ public EmbyContentSync(ISettingsService<EmbySettings> settings, IEmbyApiFactory
private readonly IEmbyContentRepository _repo;
private readonly IHubContext<NotificationHub> _notification;

private const int AmountToTake = 100;

private IEmbyApi Api { get; set; }

public async Task Execute(IJobExecutionContext job)
public async Task Execute(IJobExecutionContext context)
JobDataMap dataMap = context.JobDetail.JobDataMap;
var recentlyAddedSearch = false;
if (dataMap.TryGetValue(JobDataKeys.EmbyRecentlyAddedSearch, out var recentlyAddedObj))
recentlyAddedSearch = Convert.ToBoolean(recentlyAddedObj);

var embySettings = await _settings.GetSettingsAsync();
if (!embySettings.Enable)

Api = _apiFactory.CreateClient(embySettings);

await _notification.Clients.Clients(NotificationHub.AdminConnectionIds)
.SendAsync(NotificationHub.NotificationEvent, "Emby Content Sync Started");
.SendAsync(NotificationHub.NotificationEvent, recentlyAddedSearch ? "Emby Recently Added Started" : "Emby Content Sync Started");

foreach (var server in embySettings.Servers)
await StartServerCache(server, embySettings);
await StartServerCache(server, recentlyAddedSearch);
catch (Exception e)
Expand All @@ -67,11 +78,12 @@ await _notification.Clients.Clients(NotificationHub.AdminConnectionIds)
.SendAsync(NotificationHub.NotificationEvent, "Emby Content Sync Finished");
// Episodes

await OmbiQuartz.TriggerJob(nameof(IEmbyEpisodeSync), "Emby");

await OmbiQuartz.Scheduler.TriggerJob(new JobKey(nameof(IEmbyEpisodeSync), "Emby"), new JobDataMap(new Dictionary<string, string> { { JobDataKeys.EmbyRecentlyAddedSearch, "true" } }));

private async Task StartServerCache(EmbyServers server, EmbySettings settings)
private async Task StartServerCache(EmbyServers server, bool recentlyAdded)
if (!ValidateSettings(server))
Expand All @@ -86,83 +98,89 @@ private async Task StartServerCache(EmbyServers server, EmbySettings settings)
foreach (var movieParentIdFilder in movieLibsToFilter)
_logger.LogInformation($"Scanning Lib '{movieParentIdFilder.Title}'");
await ProcessMovies(server, movieParentIdFilder.Key);
await ProcessMovies(server, recentlyAdded, movieParentIdFilder.Key);

var tvLibsToFilter = server.EmbySelectedLibraries.Where(x => x.Enabled && x.CollectionType == "tvshows");
foreach (var tvParentIdFilter in tvLibsToFilter)
_logger.LogInformation($"Scanning Lib '{tvParentIdFilter.Title}'");
await ProcessTv(server, tvParentIdFilter.Key);
await ProcessTv(server, recentlyAdded, tvParentIdFilter.Key);

var mixedLibs = server.EmbySelectedLibraries.Where(x => x.Enabled && x.CollectionType == "mixed");
foreach (var m in mixedLibs)
_logger.LogInformation($"Scanning Lib '{m.Title}'");
await ProcessTv(server, m.Key);
await ProcessMovies(server, m.Key);
await ProcessTv(server, recentlyAdded, m.Key);
await ProcessMovies(server, recentlyAdded, m.Key);
await ProcessMovies(server);
await ProcessTv(server);
await ProcessMovies(server, recentlyAdded);
await ProcessTv(server, recentlyAdded);

private async Task ProcessTv(EmbyServers server, string parentId = default)
private async Task ProcessTv(EmbyServers server, bool recentlyAdded, string parentId = default)
// TV Time
var mediaToAdd = new HashSet<EmbyContent>();
var tv = await Api.GetAllShows(server.ApiKey, parentId, 0, 200, server.AdministratorId, server.FullUri);
EmbyItemContainer<EmbySeries> tv;
if (recentlyAdded)
var recentlyAddedAmountToTake = AmountToTake / 2;
tv = await Api.RecentlyAddedShows(server.ApiKey, parentId, 0, recentlyAddedAmountToTake, server.AdministratorId, server.FullUri);
if (tv.TotalRecordCount > recentlyAddedAmountToTake)
tv.TotalRecordCount = recentlyAddedAmountToTake;
tv = await Api.GetAllShows(server.ApiKey, parentId, 0, AmountToTake, server.AdministratorId, server.FullUri);
var totalTv = tv.TotalRecordCount;
var processed = 1;
while (processed < totalTv)
foreach (var tvShow in tv.Items)
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(tvShow.ProviderIds?.Tvdb))
_logger.LogInformation("Provider Id on tv {0} is null", tvShow.Name);

if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(tvShow.ProviderIds?.Tvdb))
_logger.LogInformation("Provider Id on tv {0} is null", tvShow.Name);

var existingTv = await _repo.GetByEmbyId(tvShow.Id);
if (existingTv == null)
_logger.LogDebug("Adding new TV Show {0}", tvShow.Name);
mediaToAdd.Add(new EmbyContent
TvDbId = tvShow.ProviderIds?.Tvdb,
ImdbId = tvShow.ProviderIds?.Imdb,
TheMovieDbId = tvShow.ProviderIds?.Tmdb,
Title = tvShow.Name,
Type = EmbyMediaType.Series,
EmbyId = tvShow.Id,
Url = EmbyHelper.GetEmbyMediaUrl(tvShow.Id, server?.ServerId, server.ServerHostname),
AddedAt = DateTime.UtcNow
var existingTv = await _repo.GetByEmbyId(tvShow.Id);
if (existingTv == null)
_logger.LogDebug("Adding new TV Show {0}", tvShow.Name);
mediaToAdd.Add(new EmbyContent
_logger.LogDebug("We already have TV Show {0}", tvShow.Name);

TvDbId = tvShow.ProviderIds?.Tvdb,
ImdbId = tvShow.ProviderIds?.Imdb,
TheMovieDbId = tvShow.ProviderIds?.Tmdb,
Title = tvShow.Name,
Type = EmbyMediaType.Series,
EmbyId = tvShow.Id,
Url = EmbyHelper.GetEmbyMediaUrl(tvShow.Id, server?.ServerId, server.ServerHostname),
AddedAt = DateTime.UtcNow
catch (Exception)

_logger.LogDebug("We already have TV Show {0}", tvShow.Name);
// Get the next batch
tv = await Api.GetAllShows(server.ApiKey, parentId, processed, 200, server.AdministratorId, server.FullUri);
if (!recentlyAdded)
tv = await Api.GetAllShows(server.ApiKey, parentId, processed, AmountToTake, server.AdministratorId, server.FullUri);
await _repo.AddRange(mediaToAdd);
Expand All @@ -171,9 +189,23 @@ private async Task ProcessTv(EmbyServers server, string parentId = default)
await _repo.AddRange(mediaToAdd);

private async Task ProcessMovies(EmbyServers server, string parentId = default)
private async Task ProcessMovies(EmbyServers server, bool recentlyAdded, string parentId = default)
var movies = await Api.GetAllMovies(server.ApiKey, parentId, 0, 200, server.AdministratorId, server.FullUri);
EmbyItemContainer<EmbyMovie> movies;
if (recentlyAdded)
var recentlyAddedAmountToTake = AmountToTake / 2;
movies = await Api.RecentlyAddedMovies(server.ApiKey, parentId, 0, recentlyAddedAmountToTake, server.AdministratorId, server.FullUri);
// Setting this so we don't attempt to grab more than we need
if (movies.TotalRecordCount > recentlyAddedAmountToTake)
movies.TotalRecordCount = recentlyAddedAmountToTake;
movies = await Api.GetAllMovies(server.ApiKey, parentId, 0, AmountToTake, server.AdministratorId, server.FullUri);
var totalCount = movies.TotalRecordCount;
var processed = 1;
var mediaToAdd = new HashSet<EmbyContent>();
Expand All @@ -189,22 +221,25 @@ private async Task ProcessMovies(EmbyServers server, string parentId = default)
await ProcessMovies(item, mediaToAdd, server);

// Regular movie
await ProcessMovies(movie, mediaToAdd, server);


// Get the next batch
movies = await Api.GetAllMovies(server.ApiKey, parentId, processed, 200, server.AdministratorId, server.FullUri);
// Recently Added should never be checked as the TotalRecords should equal the amount to take
if (!recentlyAdded)
movies = await Api.GetAllMovies(server.ApiKey, parentId, processed, AmountToTake, server.AdministratorId, server.FullUri);
await _repo.AddRange(mediaToAdd);


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2 comments on commit a0e1406

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looks like the recently added sync totally replaces the full sync, but both should be in place like it is being done for Plex.
There doesn't seem to be a way doing a full sync now.

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@horstepipe Nope it does not replace it. The Recently added sync now runs by default every hour, and the full sync now runs once a day.

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