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Scan your codebase, team’s logs, build environments, repos & CI pipelines for leaked secrets and API tokens.


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Securelog Scan

Securelog Scan is a tool designed to scan your codebase for potential secrets like API keys, tokens, and other sensitive information. It supports scanning .env files, parsing .git commit history, and analyzing all files line by line.

It takes 2min. Install, add, deploy.

Need Secret scanning in other places?

Powered by Securelog


  • Codebase Scanning: Scans all files your codebase for secrets.
  • Git History Scanning: Scans your repo's commit across branches for secrets in tthe commit message and .git commit history.
  • Customizable Rules: Supports regex patterns for popular companies and services like AWS, Azure, Stripe, PayPal, and many more.
  • Exclusion Options: Users can to exclude specific folders and file extensions from scanning.
  • Parallel Processing: Efficiently scans large repositories using parallel processing to streamline file scanning.
  • Selective Scanning: Scan only files that have changed in recent commits, optimizing CI/CD pipeline usage.
  • Verify Secrets: Verify secrets against their service provider to know if secret is still valid


To use sls,

yarn global add securelog-scan # npm i -g securelog-scan

Installation via docker

docker pull

Show Version

sls --version


Basic command

To scan your codebase, simply run:

sls scan --dir <directory>

You can also scan your codebase just by specifying the public URL (only github, gitlab & bitbucket URLs for now)

sls scan --url

Note: Securelog scan automatically defaults to $cwd if --dir flag is not provided

Excluding folders, specifying maximum git commits, masking and verifying secrets

You can exclude specific folders or file extensions using the --exclude option:

sls scan --dir <directory> --exclude <folders> --commits <100> --verify <false> -- mask <true>

  • --exclude <folders>: Comma-separated list of folders to exclude from scanning.
  • --commits <number>: Number of most recent commits to scan (defaults to 100 most recent commits).
  • --mask <boolean>: Whether secret should be masked or not (default is false)
  • --verify <boolean>: Specify this if you want secrets to be verified against their service provider

Scan only changed files

To scan only files and lines that have been changed in recent commits (useful in CI pipelines to only scan code changes):

sls scan --changed

Config file

You can specify a path to a configuration file using the --config option. This file allows you to customize regex patterns and exclusion lists:

sls scan --config <path_to_config_file>

  • --config <path_to_config_file>: Path to the config file.

Example config.yml

Here is an example of what your config file might look like:

Note: Adding custom regex patterns, paths or extensions to exclude is optional and should be used for your specific need only. By default, these have already been added to the library.

Build your CUSTOM DETECTOR for internal use.

  # paystack:
  #   regex: "\\bsk\\_[a-z]{1,}\\_[A-Za-z0-9]{40}\\b"
  #   keywords: ["paystack"]
  #   detectorType: "Paystack"
  # mailgun:
  #   regex:
  #     "Original Token": "\\b([a-zA-Z-0-9]{72})\\b"
  #     "Key-Mailgun Token": "\\b(key-[a-z0-9]{32})\\b"
  #     "Hex Mailgun Token": "\\b([a-f0-9]{32}-[a-f0-9]{8}-[a-f0-9]{8})\\b"
  #   keywords: ["mailgun"]
  #   detectorType: "Mailgun"
  # Agora:
  #   regex: "\\b([a-z0-9]{32})\\b"
  #   keywords: ["agora"]
  #   detectorType: "Agora"
  #   group: ["agora"] // sorrounding groups to reduce false positives (mostly for generic secret types)
    # - "node_modules"
    # - "dist"
    # - ".git"
    # - ".png"
    # - ".jpg"
    # - ".log"

Example command

sls scan --dir ./my-project --exclude dist,node_modules --config ./config.yml --commits 100

You can also detect secrets in a string and mask it by default using the command below

sls scan-string --rawValue "raw secret values"

A good usecase for this feature would be for LLMs, securelog can help you parse your inputs before sending to LLMs to make sure you are not sending texts with actual secrets. Make a post request to this endpoint to try it out Try out an example here

you can also scan from a file and write the contents of the file using the command below

sls scan-string --file "path/to/file" --updateFile # --updateFile will rewrite the contents of the file by masking secrets values inside the file


The scanner will output potential secrets found, including the following details:

  • File path
  • Line number
  • The secret value
  • The detector
  • Author information (name & email)
  • Commit title (if scanning Git history)

Git-hooks integration with husky

To automatically run the secret scanning CLI before committing or pushing code, you can use Husky to manage Git hooks in your project.

1. Install husky

First, install Husky as a development dependency:

npm install husky --save-dev

2. Initialize husky

Initialize Husky to create a .husky directory where the hooks will be managed:

npx husky install

3. Create git-hooks

Create a pre-commit hook to run the secret scanning CLI:

npx husky add .husky/pre-commit "sls scan --changed"

Or create a pre-push hook:

npx husky add .husky/pre-push "sls scan --changed"

Replace your-cli-command with the actual name of your CLI tool.

4. Ensure husky runs on install

To ensure Husky is set up automatically when installing dependencies, add the following to your package.json:

"scripts": {
  "prepare": "husky install"

5. Testing the hooks

After setting up the hooks, test them by attempting to make a commit or push in your repository. Husky will automatically run securelog scan, allowing or blocking the commit/push based on the scan results.

CI pipelines

Securelog Scan allows you to run the to scan your codebase for secrets during CI processes. It provides flexibility for various configuration options such as excluding specific folders, limiting the number of commits to scan, and more.


Github CI

name: Secret Scan

      - main

    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      - name: Checkout code
        uses: actions/checkout@v4
      - name: Secret Scanning
        uses: onboardbase/securelog-scan@main
          exclude: "node_modules,dist" # Comma-separated list of folders to exclude (optional)
          commits: 100 # Number of recent commits to scan (optional)
          config: ".securelog.yaml" # Optional path to a custom config file (optional)
          changed: "true" # Set to "false" to scan entire repository instead of just files that was changed (optional)
          mask: "true" # that is mask secret value e.g sk_******
          verify: "true" # that is verify potential secrets against their service provider

GitLab CI

    - sls scan ${EXCLUDE:+ --exclude "${EXCLUDE}"} ${COMMITS:+ --commits "${COMMITS}"} ${CONFIG:+ --config "${CONFIG}"} ${CHANGED:+ --changed} ${VERIFY:+ --verify} ${MASK:+ --mask}
    EXCLUDE: ""
    COMMITS: ""
    CONFIG: ""
    CHANGED: ""
    MASK: ""
    VERIFY: ""

Bitbucket Pipelines

    - step:
        name: Securelog Scan
          - sls scan ${EXCLUDE:+ --exclude "${EXCLUDE}"} ${COMMITS:+ --commits "${COMMITS}"} ${CONFIG:+ --config "${CONFIG}"} ${CHANGED:+ --changed} ${VERIFY:+ --verify} ${MASK:+ --mask}
          EXCLUDE: ""
          COMMITS: ""
          CONFIG: ""
          CHANGED: ""
          MASK: ""
          VERIFY: ""


We have implemented various analyzers to help detect and analyze potential secrets within different types of services and platforms. Each analyzer is designed to handle specific types of secrets and configurations, ensuring that sensitive information is detected and managed appropriately. Below is an overview of the analyzers we have implemented

Analyzer descriptions

Analyzer Command Description
MongoDB sls analyze mongodb --secret "<connection-string>" Inspects MongoDB connection strings, connects to the database, and retrieves information about collections, users, and databases.
MySQL sls analyze mysql --secret "<connection-string>" Inspects MySQL connection strings, connects to the database, and retrieves information about tables, databases, and user grants.
PostgreSQL sls analyze postgresql --secret "<connection-string>" Inspects PostgreSQL connection strings, connects to the database, and retrieves information about databases, tables, and user roles.
GitHub sls analyze github --secret "<api-key>" Inspects GitHub API keys, attempts to access user data, and retrieves information about user details and access scopes.
GitLab sls analyze gitlab --secret "<api-key>" Inspects GitLab API keys, attempts to access user and project data, and retrieves information about user roles and project visibility.
Slack sls analyze slack --secret "<api-token>" Inspects Slack API tokens, attempts to access workspace data, and retrieves information about channels, users, and workspace settings.

Command usage

To run an analyzer, use the following command:

sls analyze <analyzer> --secret "<api key or connection string>" # slack, mongodb, mysql, postgresql, github, gitlab,

Secret removal from git history

To remove any detected secret from git history, use the following command:

sls git-rewrite --secrets "<secrets you will like removed from git history>"

Note: This command modifies your Git history, so you should force-push the cleaned branches to the remote repository after running this:

git push --force --all
git push --force --tags


Feel free to contribute to this project by opening issues or submitting pull requests. Contribute to SECRET DETECTORS.


This project is licensed under the Functional Source License. See the LICENSE file for more details.


Scan your codebase, team’s logs, build environments, repos & CI pipelines for leaked secrets and API tokens.








Contributors 4
