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follow my online adventures : https://instagram.com/onemohrtimedesign/
: https://dribbble.com/OneMohrTime/
: https://grandrapidsbranding.co/
: https://github.com/OneMohrTime/
A bit about me: I’ve run a gamut of “creative” job titles: Interaction Designer, Webmaster, Digital Media Designer, Front-end Developer, Marketing Assistant… yada yada. In my earlier years, I was much more of a “classic” designer. I created moodboards, banner ads, and web mockups; but I didn’t dive into anything further. Nowadays, I’ve learned that I actually prefer to be in the thick of it, especially if it’s front-end coding!
I’ve now landed on developer by day and designer by night as the most accurate—or, least inaccurate—description of my day-to-day.
- Structure-related: Twig (Craft CMS, Timber), HTML, PHP
- Style-related: SCSS, LESS
- Script-related: “vanilla” JavaScript & jQuery
- CMS’s: Craft CMS, WordPress
- As well as Git[Hub] for version control and Composer/NPM for package management
- My Website: https://onemohrti.me/
- My Shop: https://shop.onemohrti.me/
- Grand Rapids Branding Co.: https://grandrapidsbranding.co/
- Dribbble: https://dribbble.com/onemohrtime/
- Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/onemohrtimedesign/
- Twitter: https://twitter.com/OneMohrTime