Releases: OpMonTeam/OpMon-Archive
Version Alpha 0.16 "Nitrogen"
- It's moving !
& Checksums
For Windows (with admin rights) : use setup-opmon.exe
(md5 : 42E1FB33A0FBCBC13709B676D73504E7
| sha256 : 23446c83bd9042014f47cf3fa22eb458c05f0f9c27adbe40a3f56ff540c85e09
For Windows (without admin right) : use
(md5 : 982E32058C6FB4D11611643AF0E21AD1
| sha256 : 0974d65c5a74619112bc42105dd94b43037f7ac9875e5cda82f16454432e0576
For Debian based distros with SFML 2.4 : use OpMon-0.16-Linux.deb
(md5 : FE3BBD9786D63DDF4F9BBF7C9CC4F873
| sha256 : 7b2b5d0232e1c074a211f5365c324c718d7c723832b524e5e3099d6119079679
For Debian based distros with all SFML 2.x versions : use (Clones, builds, packs and installs the game on GNU/Linux Debian based distros)
Other GNU/Linux distributions with SFML 2.5 : use
(md5 : BBBCDEC61B6191B656343C3205093900
| sha256 : 89523e6736d01aca37dc975ee9dcfb318a4cc53f2c14645454bcc729baaf5d17
For Arch Linux based distros : OpMon is on AUR, thanks to @Recidiviste !
For openSUSE based distros : the "opmon" package is available in the community repo, thanks to @jubalh !
For other GNU/Linux distros : build from source using CMake
For Mac and BSD : use OpMon-Mac_0.16.dmg (Not released yet)
(md5 : | sha256 : )
- Added the in-game menu
- Currently, allows the access of the options menu in-game
- Improved battles
- Added animations for the attacks
- Added animations for the stat modifications
- Graphical improvements
- Rewrote the dialog system
- Externalized resources in JSON files
- Added many new OpMons
- Updated Fauxbourg Euvi and title themes
- Added Controls menu to change your keys
- Updated many OpMons designs and sprites
- Added EuviCity map (beta)
- New font: Now the text is pixelized
- Lowered the loading time
- New NPCs and objects dialogs
- AUR Package is now available for Arch distros!
Known bugs
- As always, with two screens, the full screen is sometimes bugged, sorry about that.
Version Alpha 0.15.1 "Steel"
- This is a lot better... but far from being perfect.
& Checksums
For Windows (with admin rights) : use setup-opmon.exe
(md5 : A50D10E612BFB0AB142A40423B132327
| sha256 : 3eb4319e1f4ab480dc651426b6d8bbc1086146882cd3b7d42552d5d68e677732
For Windows (without admin right) : use
(md5 : CB206ECB91CF8BE9BCFC65EF33686A20
| sha256 : 91cda7383bb8ab9455206d37c64478ff45c3567ba295feb82d442894331efb32
For Debian based distros with SFML 2.4 : use OpMon-0.15.1-Linux.deb
(md5 : 10C1246D32FE9A8CE192B474BADE5891
| sha256 : 20f1fa93c44185a8994fc158739543d7910453a71fe5678f629311cde1babb12
For Debian based distros with all SFML 2.x versions : use (Clones, builds, packs and installs the game on GNU/Linux Debian based distros)
Other GNU/Linux distributions with SFML 2.5 : use
(md5 : 89FB3735FF16DF61206F6981AB872CCF
| sha256 : 96ef4f69b0859179f3b24d480ae815f83d123a82a5d33198b2dcb199dc285c67
For Arch Linux based distros : the package is on AUR, thanks to @Recidiviste ! You can still download the PKGBUILD here.
For openSUSE based distros : the "opmon" package is available in the community repo, thanks to @jubalh !
For other GNU/Linux distros : build from source using CMake
For Mac and BSD : use (Warning : it's the 0.16 development version, it's the only build we have)
(md5 : B35621ABA108F96F339F2FB23CF9E65A
| sha256 : b0394a814c80ad3ed9756d67a1ca2f6cae0f322a5e823d3f2db1692967baacf4
- Added Keyboard arrows to changing maps (before it was with the Fx keys) in debug mode
- Added a debug mode option to test the new features more easly (press B)
- A lot of code has been commented
- Code documentation
- Fixed #74
- Fixed #73
- Fixed #72
- Code translations
- Some code refactoring and improvements
Known bugs
- With two screens, the full screen is sometimes bugged, sorry about that
Version Alpha 0.15 "Iron"
- OpMon joins the battle!
& Checksums
For Windows (with admin rights) : use setup-opmon.exe
(md5 : B241146CB7CDB0C11B152F9284CB9A72 | sha256 : 055872A57E28AB3F1F71EA4F7510ED59123E44F358D4C845CD012FF3B4A4ABA0 )
For Windows (without admin right) : use
(md5 : 0CCF0AD1A1B6A99A7686558A5DD55A27 | sha256 : FD1AB885EA48A9CC2E5538BDDAF8DEA67285428EA3231247FAF436B33F8A3AB3)
For Debian based distros with SFML 2.4 : use OpMon-0.15-Linux.deb
(md5 : 1857937471B9C215EC0730CB6BE5307B | sha256 : 966b608247219ae2b32ed7d085eea7a769b14a76584d80bbd7c29309f2441653 )
For Debian based distros with all SFML 2.x versions : use (Clones, builds, packs and installs the game on GNU/Linux Debian based distros)
Other GNU/Linux distributions with SFML 2.5 : use
(md5 : CF7D9E6BB29752A7C178E33BE64C9A8B | sha256 : 00b09b9083d8ef3401792083980d892d2c1856da8068bc997450d41a7c48f4e2)
For Arch Linux based distros : use the PKGBUILD
For other GNU/Linux distros : build from source using CMake
For Mac and BSD : use OpMon-Mac_0.15.dmg (Not released yet)
(md5 : | sha256 : )
- Battle foundations are ready (Talk with Beta (blue sprite in the Road 14) to start a battle)
- German translation by jubalh
- Volume editor is now functional
- New camera (with intelligent placement)
- Added the OPMon Center with the OpMon nurse (F9 key while in debug mode with =)
- A lot of bugs fixes
- New NPCs have been added in the game
- Update the chimney smoke and the wind turbine animation (in Euvi Town map)
- Add new OpMons and many de#date
- Delete the global variables
- Code improvements (refactoring etc)
- Some musics have been improved
- Added new musics like the Wild Battle's music or the road 14's music
Known bugs
- With a double screen, the full screen is sometimes glitched, sorry about that
- The player continues to walk while talking to a NPC, will be fixed in the 0.15.1
- [Windows bug] : The player's sprite is a little glitched when walking, will be fixed in the 0.15.1
Alpha 0.14 "Helium"
- This is what I call a long time.
& Checksums
For Windows (with admin rights) : use setup-opmon.exe
(md5 : 680DB639B56BE10891D48FD60BA56DC3 | sha256 : 50249fffa5c5797eb8ed1550493b2da6b41cf6570ca34828b5793981f4a719e4)
For Windows (without admin right) : use
(md5 : F71FE36BDF56558EEF84261C75C0DAA3 | sha256 : b9afd3f9040a2796f5bb815b7dcf9f264b5d4c0c60c48c3ea62d6a57d10c1e7f)
For Debian 8, Ubuntu LTS, Linux Mint 18.x : use OpMon-0.14-sfml2.3.deb
(md5 : 7464E17628C33DB1202F453A1AC9C39F | sha256 : af6515d0064983a92e2895f8bb1ce21b45e9eac4cde0d2ba175095729763b3de)
For other Debian based distros (like Ubuntu 17.10): use OpMon-0.14-sfml2.4.deb
(md5 : F596F98E12F08D01AC08B05C1AC375E3 | sha256 : fbfdbd802e7894cdf02528c4cce5ee55e317dc23056a047ef399c10068aed426)
For Arch Linux based distros : use the PKGBUILD
For other GNU/Linux distros : build from source using CMake
For Mac and BSD : use OpMon-Mac_0.14.dmg
(md5 : a894df6821fb207eaf70bfc91909d1d8 | sha256 : f1e9bc703379956ba577b90222437e8e0d32526ddf9d1370ae99544ef953ed28)
Known bugs
- Graphics bugs caused by drivers (We're still looking for why its bugs happen knowing that this happens on some specific PCs)
- With a double screen, the full screen is sometimes glitched, sorry about that
- Rearranging and reprogramming most of the code
-Use of the standard M-V-C organization (Model View Controller)
-Other code standardizations
-This leads to a lighter and most stable game (less lags). - Map system change :
-The maps are no longer layers of images but tables linked to a tileset
-Collisions now directly related to the tileset - Many graphic improvements
-Laboratory, the first town etc
-Sprites - Improved Debug Mode (press "="):
-Enabling and disabling collision visibility
-You can see the position of the player by box and by pixel
-Enabling and disabling scrolling - Improved Credits screen
- Change game controls
- Adding new OpMons
- The controls have been improved
- New build method : cmake
- The fullscreen applies immediately
- Translations improvement
- Adding the first route (not fully finished) : Route 14 (press "F7" key)
- And maybe something else...
Alpha 0.13 "Hydrogen"
- Added npcs : A kid and the prof.
- Updated the language system
- Added the Credits screen
- New graphics (Start scene)
- Code optimisations
Known Bugs
There is maybe some accents bug, sorry about that.
EDIT : The issue #31 showed a bug that makes the game crash. More info on the issue.
Thing to know
I have tried to remove as many bugs as possible, but I am planning to release a 0.13.1 version enhancing the code like said in the BAKFR's issues.
Debian and co :
Use the OpMon Source.deb package for Ubuntu 17.04/17.10 and others new systems
Use the OpMon bin.deb package for Debian 8, Ubuntu 16.04 and Linux Mint 18/18.1/18.2/18.3