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Open Sourced

Hi there, This is Open Sourced(Open-Sourced-Org) Organization 👋

Popular repositories Loading

  1. Projects-Documentation Projects-Documentation Public

    Forked from farhan7reza7/Projects-Documentation

    Projects-Documentation contains different branches where documentations for different parts of a full stack project are available.

    HTML 1

  2. eslint eslint Public

    Forked from eslint/eslint

    Find and fix problems in your JavaScript code.

    JavaScript 1

  3. learning-python-2896241 learning-python-2896241 Public

    Forked from LinkedInLearning/learning-python-2896241

    This repository is for the Linkedin Learning course: Learning Python

    Python 1

  4. python-essential-training-2449125 python-essential-training-2449125 Public

    Forked from LinkedInLearning/python-essential-training-2449125

    Python Essential Training

    Jupyter Notebook 1

  5. if-follow-package if-follow-package Public

    Forked from farhan7reza7/if-follow-package

    `if-follow-package` is a JavaScript library that provides APIs for managing followers and followings on GitHub

    JavaScript 1

  6. diff-ymd-package diff-ymd-package Public

    Forked from farhan7reza7/diff-ymd-package

    diff-ymd-package provides APIs for calculating the difference between two dates in formatted ways like (aY bM cD)(aYears bMonths cDays) or customized desired formats like aY-bM-cD or aYears-bMonths…



Showing 10 of 14 repositories

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