Releases: OpenBankingUK/ping-helm-charts
Releases · OpenBankingUK/ping-helm-charts
What's Changed
- Reverting change introduced in pingidentity@98b50c8, as it can be only applied by removing the entire application StatefulSet (e.g. pingdirectory).
Full Changelog: v0.10.6.0-ob...v0.10.6.1-ob with OB customizations
What's Changed
- AD-8971 - Update with head repository Jul'24 by @przemyslawmatusiak in #10
- AD-8971 - Update ob customizations - Jul'24 release by @przemyslawmatusiak in #11
Full Changelog: v0.9.21.0-ob...v0.10.6.0-ob with OB customizations
What's Changed
- AD-8082 - Update with head repository - Dec'23 release by @przemyslawmatusiak in #8
- AD-8082 - Update ob customizations - Dec'23 release by @przemyslawmatusiak in #9
Full Changelog: v0.9.20.0-ob...v0.9.21.0-ob with OB customizations
What's Changed
- AD-8082 - Update with head repository by @przemyslawmatusiak in #5
- AD-8082 - Update ob customizations by @przemyslawmatusiak in #7
Full Changelog: v0.9.16.1-ob...v0.9.20.0-ob with OB customizations
v0.9.16.1-ob AD-7718 - CronJob apiVersion update for 1.25+ k8s
0.9.16 with OB customizations
Merge pull request #4 from OpenBankingUK/master AD-7718 - Update EKS Helmchart to 0.9.16 - ob customizations
0.9.13 with OB customizations
Merge pull request #2 from OpenBankingUK/AD-7269 Ad 7269
0.9.11 with OB customizations
v0.9.11.0-ob Merge branch 'master' into ob