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1.12.2 Mod Compatibility for CC (API versions)

Deliphin edited this page Dec 9, 2018 · 51 revisions

This is meant to be the community maintained mod compatibility list. If people start abusing it, I will only allow certain people to access it. Don't remove this part. Always mention the exact cubic chunks build or commit hash used when testing, and the tested mod version. The mod list should be organized alphabetically by mod name. Don't specify version "Any" unless you really are absolutely sure there is nothing in cubic chunks that could break this mod.

Status options:

  • Early Crash - Crash before Main Menu
  • World Load Crash - Crash when loading or creating a world
  • In-game (Unstable) - You are in-game, but the respective mod feature does not work at all or makes you crash
  • In-game (Stable) - The game does not crash occasionally, but glitches occur with the respective mod
  • Mostly Stable - The respective mod works, but has a few features that does not work as intended
  • Stable - Everything works correctly and as expected
  • Unknown - The mod has only been tested either in (Vanilla+CC) or (Cubic World Gen) but not both. Use Unknown in the field not tested.

Testing Protocol:

  • Bounds Checking: Needs to be tested on (Y<0 and Y>256) and (Y<-2048 and Y>2048)
  • Everything: Test all the mod's functions, including Outside Bounds. Usally for big mods

Mod List: --- REMINDER: These are for testing with the API versions of CC only (After 852).

  • Please label CC+CWG versions tested with like: "857/12".
Mod name Mod version CC+CWG versions Status: Vanilla + CC Status: In Cubic Gen Description
BetterFPS 1.4.8 857/12 Mostly Stable MUST have FastBeacon=false in config or else crashes
BetterFonts 1.9.1 862u/11u Stable
Betweenlands (The) 3.3.12
Botania r1.10-358 903/34 Mostly Stable Unknown Pools, spreaders, and sparks work. Most generating flora tested and work. Petal apothecary, runic altar, terrasteel crafting, Alfheim portal, and Gaia guardian fight all seem to work.
CarryOn 1.9.1 854/12 Unknown Stable Works at all y levels
CarryOn 1.9.2-1.10 854/12 Unknown Mostly Stable Carried items disappear through portal
EnderCompass 1.12- 859/12 Unknown In-game (Unstable) Doesn't outright crash, but can't even craft the endercompass. Also relevant VanillaFix error log.
FoamFix 0.10.1 862u/11u Stable
JEI 862u/11u Stable
Just Enough Pattern Banners 1.2.1 862u/11u Stable
Just Enough Resources 862u/11u Stable
LittleTiles 1.5.0-pre109 + CCore 1.9.32 874/20 Unknown Mostly Stable Works at all y ranges except for Doors, they only work at 0-255
Natura 902/33 Mostly Stable Ingame (Stable) Natura worldgen doesn't generate with CubicWorldGen. Ghostwood and Sakura saplings are the only saplings that grow outside 0-255. Respawn Obelisk works outside of 0-255
OptiFine HD_U_C9 862u/11u Stable
OptiFine HD_U_E2 862u/11u Ingame (Unstable) Will prevent creation of CustomCubic map, will instead force vanilla
Portable Craft Bench 1.12.2-1.5.1 859/12 Unknown Stable
VoxelMap 1.7.1_for_1.12.2 859/12 Unknown Mostly Stable Beacons do not display beyond 0<Y<255 (but do display within 0<Y<255 range for out-of-range waypoints), Negative Y value waypoints do not display Y value in waypoint list. Occasionally changes Y on waypoints with Y<0 to around sea level.
WAILA/HWYLA 1.8.26 862u/11u Stable
WAWLA 2.5.257 862u/11u Stable
Xaero's Minimap 1.15.4 862u/11u Mostly Stable Map layers not perfect outside vanilla bounds