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CubicChunks on Mohist Server 1.12.2

Agrrox edited this page Feb 22, 2023 · 71 revisions

Important information

this is a guide on how to get CubicChunks running on Mohist 1.12.2 [last updated: 21-Feb-2023]

⚠️ notice! Mohist, and its use with the Cubic Chunks mod, is not officially supported by the CubicChunks Team as Cubic Chunks is a Forge only mod.There are people who choose to use them together but you do so at your own risk. Problems should be reported to Mohist issue tracker or Mohist Discord. You can report them to the Cubic Chunks team as well if you wish but make it clear that you are using Mohist, and know that there is no expectation of support by the Cubic Chunks Team.

Mohist is a hybrid Forge server that implements Spigot, Bukkit API, and some miscellaneous Paper patches. The advantage of it is that you can use Spigot and Bukkit plugins along with Forge mods in exchange for some incompatibilities and instability.

Mohist 1.12.2 is used by BuildTheEarth community to run creative build servers utilizing Cubic Chunks. With the exception of Cubic Chunks and a couple of utility mods, the servers are vanilla. It's highly recommended to use a Forge server instead, especially for survival and heavily modded servers that are not in dire need of plugins.

Table of Content:

Server Installation


Getting Mohist:

You can get Mohist from Mohist Website or alternatively from their build server here. If you are unsure which version you should use, check out the Tested Versions.

Getting CubicChunks and CubicWorldGen:

You can download the mods from CC Discord or their respective CurseForge pages, but the most up-to-date versions should be available mostly on Discord. If you are unsure of which version you should use, check out the Tested Versions section.

CurseForge CC

CurseForge CWG


After you downloaded the Mohist server file, rename it to server.jar for sake of convenience, and then create a folder for the server and move it there. Then create a server start script for your platform and put it into the same folder: (don't forget to adjust your minimum and maximum allocated ram if you need).

Creating Cubic Chunks World

To use the Cubic Chunks world format on your server, you will need to do some changes to

  1. Add your world's folder name to level-name= in case you want to add already existing world.

  2. Change level type:

    • Set level-type=CustomCubic if you using the default Cubic Chunks world format.
    • Set level-type=EarthCubic if you using one of these world generators:
  3. Set max-build-height=1073741824 needed to make things work properly.

  4. (optional) in case you want to limit player build height limits:
    (Changing this will only make the blocks inaccessible, but it won't prevent them from being generated.)
    ⚠️ (Values not in integer multiples of 16 may cause unintended behavior.)

    • when generating a new world:
      • change defaultMaxHeight and defaultMinHeight values in yourserverfolder/config/cubicchunks.cfg
    • for the already existing world:
      • use NBTExplorer program to edit maxHeight: minHeight: values in /yourworldfolder/data/cubicChunksData.dat

in cubichunks.config:

    # World max height. Values that are not an integer multiple of 16 may cause unintended behavior
    # Min: 16
    # Max: 2147479552

    # World min height. Values that are not an integer multiple of 16 may cause unintended behavior
    # Min: -2147479552
    # Max: 0

creating Startup Script

for Windows:

create start.bat file with:

java -Xms128M -Xmx4G -jar server.jar
for Linux:

create file with:

cd "$(dirname "$(readlink -fn "$0")")"
java -Xms128M -Xmx4G -jar server.jar
for macOS:

create start.command file with:

cd "$( dirname "$0" )"
java -Xms128M -Xmx4G -jar server.jar

Additionally for Mac and Linux you might need to make the script executable. You can learn how to do that here.

Custom Java 8 fix

Mohist 1.12.2 seems to need to use custom Java 8 on macOS and possibly Linux. After you launch the server start script, you might get a write error like this:

Unsupported Java version, please use java 8 and read the message!
Do you want to use and download Java 8 automatically ? This java will only be used by the server and not your system. Type yes or no.
[MOHIST] Downloading Java 8 for Mac system. Please wait !
Downloading file: Size: 36.849247MB
File download completed
[!] Mohist is running with custom Java 8 - Mac | Java Command - [/Users/mac/Desktop/mohist_server folder/CustomJAVA/bin/java, -jar, -Xmx4G, mohist-1.12.2-309-server.jar, launchedWithCustomJava8]
Exception in thread "main" Cannot run program "/Users/mac/Desktop/mohist_server folder/CustomJAVA/bin/java" (in directory "/Users/mac/Desktop/mohist_server"): error=13, Permission denied

This can be easily fixed by chmod recursively the CustomJava folder to 755. To do this, please follow these steps:

  1. open Terminal application
  2. type in: chmod -R 755
  3. add one space
  4. drag CustomJAVA folder into the Terminal window
  5. press enter
  6. run the server start script again

Important Fixes

Mohist settings

to fix the frozen mobs and glitching falling entities, go to /mohist-config/mohist.yml and set:

(note: In versions between #292-#263, this option was completely removed. In builds older than #263, this option can be found in /mohist-config/entity.yml instead.)

skip-activation-range: true

CubicChunks settings

If you want vanilla clients to be able to connect to the Mohist server with CubicChunks, you need to set the following in in /config/cubicchunks.cfg:


Tested Versions

This section recommends which versions of Mohist and Cubicchunks you should be using based on reports by BuildTheEarth.

(at the time this is just reports from a few people running BTE creative servers lol.)

Mohist Versions

Recommended tested and working versions of Mohist 1.12.2 are #297 and newer. (BTE servers are currently using #320)

note: If your server is part of the BungeeCord network, make sure you have Mohist version #193 or newer, otherwise, the vanilla clients won't be able to connect.

Cubic Chunks versions

tested and recommended: #1257. You can try the newer versions and report here.

Cubic World Gen versions

tested and recommended: #169. You can try the newer versions and report here.

Mods & Plugins Compatibility

Plugins Compatibility

Plugin List:

Some of the very commonly used plugins dropped support for 1.12.2. There are also some Mohist-specific issues where in some cases, a version of the plugin that works on 1.12.2 Spigot/Paper might not work on Mohist. Mohist 1.12.2 is also on End of Life support. I hope a list of such plugins will help you save time when troubleshooting. (If something was fixed/updated, or you found a solution, please contribute!)

newer version of plugins that don't work only on Mohist:

  • PlaceholderAPI 2.10.9 - some PAPI expansions are broken on 2.10.10. New versions should be tested. link.
  • ProtocolLib 4.5.1 - 4.6.0+ is giving errors, breaking VentureChat and possibly some other plugins. More testing is needed. link.

dropped support for 1.12.2:

  • VAULT 1.6.7 (Spigot page release) - higher versions dropped support for 1.12. - link.
  • Vault 1.5.6 (Bukkit page release) - older version in case of incompatibilities. - link.
  • SKRIPT 2 5.3/2.6.x - higher versions will drop support for 1.12. 2.6.x recommended link.
  • BannerMaker 1.9.0 - higher versions dropped support for 1.12.2 link.
  • SKBee 1.10.2 - higher versions dropped support for 1.12 link.

Java version

  • DeluxeMenu 1.13.3 - 1.13.4+ requires java 11 or higher (we use java 8) - link.

Mods Compatibility

Mod List:

For mod compatibility, please see the Compatibility report on issue tracker:

Vanilla and Bedrock guide

Vanilla and Bedrock setup guide