GeoNotebook is an application that provides client/server environment with interactive visualization and analysis capabilities using Jupyter, GeoJS and other open source tools. Jointly developed by Kitware and NASA Ames.
Documentation for GeoNotebook can be found at
Checkout some additional screenshots
For default tile serving
- GDAL >= 2.1.0
- mapnik >= 3.1.0
- python-mapnik >= 0.1
git clone
cd geonotebook
mkvirtualenv -a . geonotebook
# Numpy must be fully installed before rasterio
pip install -r prerequirements.txt
pip install -r requirements.txt
pip install .
# Enable both the notebook and server extensions
jupyter serverextension enable --sys-prefix --py geonotebook
jupyter nbextension enable --sys-prefix --py geonotebook
Note The serverextension
and nbextension
commands accept flags that configure how
and where the extensions are installed. See jupyter serverextension --help
for more
When developing geonotebook, it is often helpful to install packages as a reference to the
checked out repository rather than copying them to the system site-packages
. A "development
install" will allow you to make live changes to python or javascript without reinstalling the
# Install the geonotebook python package as "editable"
pip install -e .
# Install the notebook extension as a symlink
jupyter nbextension install --sys-prefix --symlink --py geonotebook
# Enable the extension
jupyter serverextension enable --sys-prefix --py geonotebook
jupyter nbextension enable --sys-prefix --py geonotebook
# Start the javascript builder
cd js
npm run watch
cd notebooks/
jupyter notebook
Geonotebook relies on a configuration for several of its options. The system will merge configuration files in the following precedence:
- /etc/geonotebook.ini
- /usr/etc/geonotebook.ini
- /usr/local/etc/geonotebook.ini
/etc/geonotebook.ini (e.g. /home/user/.virtual_environments/geonotebook/etc/geonotebook.inig)- ~/.geonotebook.ini
/.geonotebook.ini- any path specified in the
environment variable.
The default configuration is installed in sys.prefix
# From the source root
pip install -r requirements-dev.txt
# Optionally only run tests on python 2.7
# tox -e py27
System requirements for running the notebook can sometimes prove burdensome to install. To ease these issues we have included a docker container that will run the notebook inside a containerized process.
Additionally there is a Vagrantfile
for standing up an instance of Geonotebook within a virtual machine, further instructions can be found here.
By default geonotebook provides its own tile server based on Mapnik and GDAL as a Jupyter Notebook server extension. Assuming system pre-requisites are available this should not need to be configured. Alternately geonotebook may be configured to use a pre-existing Geoserver for serving tiles. A built in geoserver implementation is available as a virtual machine in devops/geoserver/.
First provision the geoserver
cd devops/geoserver/
vagrant up
Second change the vis_server
configuration to geoserver
in the [default]
section of your configuration. Then include a [geoserver]
section with the pertinent configuration. E.g.:
username = admin
password = geoserver
url =