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Water - help you to progressively write functional SwiftUI.
func CounterView() -> some View {
let count = def(value: 0)
return View {
HStack {
Button("+1") {
count.value += 1
Button("-1") {
count.value -= 1
- Why use Water?
- Installation
- Usage
- Composables
- Plugins
- Middlewares
- Integration with existing projects
- Examples
- Compare with X
- Community
- Contribution
- Thanks
- License
As we all know, SwiftUI
is a data-driven responsive UI framework. Apple provides a lot of state management tools, such as: @State
..., but these tools can be very confusing for a newbie to SwiftUI, what tool to use when exactly? when master all these tools, switch between them also has a big const. finally, when the project gets complex, the screen full of @
and $
symbols make the code difficult to maintain and read.
Now, let's see what @
means in Swift:
- Attribute:
- PropertyWrapper:
- Macro:
For developers, all those @
usages will place a heavy burden on the development mind.
So I am trying to develop this library - Water.
Of course, Water not only solves the above problems, but more importantly guides you through a progressive approach to writing SwiftUI
code that will help you step-by-step towards your own standalone project.
Water design for the following purposes:
- Clear: not require confusing
symbols - Clean: focus on code logic rather than code style
- Composable: reuse your code use
, not recommend) - Freedom: not constrain the way you write code (support
style, not recommend) - Maintainable: easy and visual testing the state logic
From Xcode menu: File > Add Packages...
Swift Package Manager
Add the Package url to Package.swift
, finally your Package.swift
manifest should like below:
let package = Package(
name: "MyApp",
dependencies: [
.package(url: "https://github.com/OpenLyl/Water", .branch("main")),
targets: [
.target(name: "MyApp", dependencies: [
.product(name: "Water", package: "Water"),
First, add the following entry in your Podfile
pod 'Water', :git => 'https://github.com/OpenLyl/Water.git', :branch => 'main'
Then run pod install
Finally, don't forget to import the framework with import Water
When using Water, you only need to consider whether your state is a value
、 object
or an array
, define state is like defining variable, so simple.
define value
use def(value: )
to define a value state, because the value is wrapped in a box, so use .value
to get or set the value:
func UserView() -> some View {
let name = def(value: "jack")
let age = def(value: 20)
return View {
Text("\(name.value)'s age = \(age.value)")
Button("change age") {
age.value += 1
TextField("input your name", text: name.bindable)
define object
use def(object: )
to change object reactivity, support struct
and class
struct User {
var name: String
var age: Int
func UserView() -> some View {
let user = def(object: User(name: "jack", age: 20))
return View {
VStack {
Text("user.name = \(user.name)")
Text("user.age = \(user.age)")
VStack {
Button("change name") {
user.name = "rose"
Button("change age") {
user.age += 1
define array
To make array reactivity use def(array: )
, as simple as define object.
func NumberListView() -> some View {
let array = ["1", "2", "3"]
var nextIndex = array.count + 1
let items = def(array: array)
return View {
VStack {
LazyVStack {
ForEach(items, id: \.self) { item in
Text("the item = \(item)")
Text("combined value = \(items.joined(separator: "-|"))")
HStack(spacing: 16) {
Button("add item") {
nextIndex += 1
Button("remove all") {
nextIndex = 0
Button("clean item") {
nextIndex = 3
items.replace(with: ["1", "2", "3"])
define watch
Water also has the ability to listen for data changes and quickly select useful states by using defWatch
func WatchEffectView() -> some View {
let count = def(value: 0)
let name = def(value: "some name")
defWatchEffect { _ in
// declare a side effect
print("trigger watch effect")
defWatch(name) { value, oldValue, _ in
// when name change do something
print("name changed = \(value), old name = \(oldValue)")
return View {
Text("the count = \(count.value)")
Button("click me change count") {
count.value += 1
Text("the name = \(name.value)")
TextField("name", text: name.bindable)
define computed
In most cases, you can use Swift native computed property directly to pick the defined states.
let user = def(object: User(name: "hello", age: 18))
var displayName: String {
"name is \(user.name)"
var displayAge: String {
"\(user.age) years old"
outside of this,Water also provide the cacheable computed property, when there are complex data processing, use defComputed
func FilterNumbersView() -> some View {
let showEven = def(value: false)
let items = def(array: [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6])
let evenNumbers = defComputed {
items.filter { !showEven.value || $0 % 2 == 0}
return View {
VStack {
Toggle(isOn: showEven.bindable) {
Text("Only show even numbers")
Button("dynamic insert num") {
let newNumbers = [7, 8, 9, 10]
items.append(contentsOf: newNumbers)
.padding(.horizontal, 15)
List(evenNumbers.value, id: \.self) { num in
Text("the num = \(num)")
nested state
under writing
Once all the states become reactive, use composable way to extract the data logic is so natural.
allow you code SwiftUI
in Redux
style, very similar to TCA.
struct CountState {
var count: Int = 0
enum CountAction {
case increase
case decrease
func countReducer(state: inout CountState, action: CountAction) {
switch action {
case .increase:
state.count += 1
case .decrease:
state.count -= 1
func ReducerCounterView() -> some View {
let (useCountState, dispatch) = useReducer(CountState(), countReducer)
return View {
Text("the count = \(useCountState().count)")
HStack {
Button("+1") {
Button("-1") {
will be more powerful than useReducer
, it's still under development.
let useCounterStore = defStore("counter") {
let count = def(value: 0)
func increment() {
count.value += 1
func decrement() {
count.value -= 1
return (count, increment, decrement)
func StoreCountView() -> some View {
let store = useCounterStore()
return View {
Text("the count = \(store().count)")
HStack {
Button("+1") {
Button("-1") {
provides the ability to send http restful requests and final fetch the network result data, now is a simple version, it will be more flexible and powerful in the future.
func UseFetchView() -> some View {
let (isFetching, error, data) = useFetch(url: "https://httpbin.org/get")
return View {
VStack {
Text(isFetching.value ? "is fetching" : "fetch completed")
if let error = error.value {
Text("error = \(error.errorDescription ?? "no error")")
if let result = result.value, let responseString = result.mapString() {
Text("data is \(responseString)")
also support manual trigger send request.
let (isFetching, result, error, execute) = useFetch({ "http://www.numbersapi.com/\(count.value)" }, immediate: false)
func sendRequest() {
Task {
await execute()
provides the ability to use state from existing async context. sometimes, it's more useful than useFetch
struct Todo: Codable {
let id: Int
let todo: String
let completed: Bool
func fetchTodos() async -> [Todo] {
func UseAsyncStateView() -> some View {
let (state, isLoading) = useAsyncState(fetchTodos, [] as [Todo])
var todos: [Todo] {
return View {
if isLoading.value {
} else {
List(todos, id: \.id) { todo in
The following code shows how to get the system environment on demand, it's equivalent to @Environment(\.dismiss) private var dismiss
func UseEnvironmentView() -> some View {
let dismiss = useEnvironment(\.dismiss)
let count = def(value: 0)
return View {
VStack {
Text("new value = \(count.value)")
Button("+1") {
count.value += 1
Button("-1") {
count.value -= 1
Button("dismiss") {
can also use .bindable
to keep sync with system bindable environment.
func UseEditModeEnvironmentView() -> some View {
let name = def(value: "hello word edit mode")
let editMode = def(value: EditMode.inactive)
return View {
Form {
if editMode.value.isEditing == true {
TextField("Name", text: name.bindable)
} else {
.animation(nil, value: editMode.value)
.toolbar {
.environment(\.editMode, editMode.bindable)
under development
under writing
under development
under development
use official struct view style
struct CountereView: View {
let count = def(value: 0)
var body: some View {
Water.View { // will change in future
Text("current count = \(count.value)")
HStack {
Button("+") {
count.value += 1
Button("-") {
count.value -= 1
integrate with other SwfitUI views
under writing
- UseCases
- ValueUseCases
- ReactivityUseCases
- WatchUseCases
- ReducerUseCases
- StoreUseCases
- ComputedUseCases
- ComposableUseCases
- MemoUseCases
- EnvironmentUseCases
- NavigationUseCases
- EffectScopeUseCases
- UseFetchUseCasesView
- Todos
- SwiftUI Essentials
- Garden (Mastodon client) - under development
- Other TCA examples - under development
compare with TCA
under writing
If you want to discuss Water or have a question about how to use it to solve a particular problem, you can join the discord channel:
Water is only a basic MVP at this point and is not recommended for online products, there are still some areas that need to be worked on, as follows:
- need more util functions to handle reactivity system
is just getting started, need more logic to handle complex situations- add more unit test and improve the test coverage
- write more use cases with snapshot test
- write more example apps and tutorials
- code with more comments
- performance test
so if you are interested in this project, please join us for something fun!
This project is heavily inspired by the following awesome projects.
This library is released under the MIT license. See LICENSE for details.