This README provides setup instructions, basic commands, and operational details for managing sherab.org which is based on Open edX platform using Tutor.
The sherab.org <https://sherab.org)>
_ is a service-oriented platform for authoring and
delivering online learning at any scale. The platform is written in
Python and JavaScript and makes extensive use of the Django
framework. At the highest level, the platform is composed of a
monolith, some independently deployable applications (IDAs), and
micro-frontends (MFEs) based on the ReactJS.
This repository hosts the monolith at the center which is derived from the Open edX platform. Functionally, the sherab.org repository provides two services:
- CMS (Content Management Service), which powers Open sherab Studio, the platform's learning content authoring environment; and
- LMS (Learning Management Service), which delivers learning content.
Getting Started
Ports 80 and 443 should be open. If other web services run on these ports, setup a web proxy.
Minimum configuration: 4 GB RAM, 2 CPU, 8 GB disk space
Recommended configuration: 8 GB RAM, 4 CPU, 25 GB disk space
Docker (latest version recommended)
Docker Compose
Python 3.8+
pip or pip3
Tutor (Palm, version 16)
MySQL (latest vesrsion recommended)
Download Docker <https://docs.docker.com/engine/install/>
_ according to the system OS
Download Docker Compose <https://docs.docker.com/compose/install/>
_ according to the system OS
pip install ‘tutor[full]>=16.0.0,<17.0.0’
Initialize Tutor/ Start all required services:
tutor local launch # for local installations
tutor dev launch # for local development installations
tutor k8s launch # for Kubernetes installation
Configuration (Optional but recommended): If you run customised Docker images, you need to rebuild them before running launch:
tutor config save
tutor images build all # specify here the images that you need to build
tutor local launch
To stop running services:
- tutor local stop
Restarting Services:
- tutor local restart
You can start specific services as needed. Example:
- tutor local start lms
Once started, you can access Open edX at:
LMS: http://localhost
Studio (CMS): http://studio.localhost
To create an admin user:
tutor local createuser --staff --superuser admin admin@example.com
If you make changes to the database, run migrations:
- tutor local run lms ./manage.py migrate
To see logs for all services:
- tutor local logs -f
To see logs for a specific service, such as lms:
- tutor local logs -f lms
To update to a new version of Open edX:
pip install --upgrade tutor-openedx
tutor local upgrade
To back up your data:
- tutor local dump
To restore from a backup:
- tutor local import ./backup.tar.gz
navigate into '.local/share/tutor/env/build/openedx/themes' for windows and clone
navigate into '/Users/localuser/Library/Application Support/tutor/env/build/openedx/' for Macos and clone
- tutor local do settheme sherab-theme/(your cloned folder name)
Tutor Documentation: https://docs.tutor.edly.io/
Open edX Community: https://open.edx.org/community/