Docker development
Docker images were added to the OpenSkos project in 2017. If you wish to develop using docker, please proceed to section 8
Copy the code to a location of your choice.
Make sure all files are readable by your webserver. Make sure the directories
, cache
, public/data/icons/assigned
are writable for the webserver.
For security reasons you can place the data
directory outside your
webserver's document root.
Run composer install
to install some dependencies such as zend framework 1.12
To configure OpenSKOS you have to rename:
Now you can edit the APPROOT/application/configs/application.ini
You can have separate config settings for specific deployments. The
configuration section marked by the Environment Variable APPLICATION_ENV
2.1 Setting Up Your VHOST). Most settings are self explanatory.
If you experience any problems you may want to modify settings in the config, to show you more verbose error messages:
phpSettings.display_errors = 1
OpenSKOS includes a OAI harvester. To configure OAI Service providers, use the "instances" part of the configuration. Two types of instances are supported:
- openskos (instances of OpenSKOS)
- external (any OAI-PMH provider that provides SKOS/XML-RDF data)
The setup for "openskos" types is easy:
instances.openskos.label=YOUR LABEL
For "external" types use this syntax:
instances.example1.label=EXAMPLE LABEL
#optional, default=oai_rdf
You can define multiple instances by using a different key (in the above example
the key example1
is used).
The application.ini allows you to change the order in which concept schemes are listed everywhere. The scheme order is made in this sequence:
- group the schemes according to their collection
- order the groups by the desired collection order
- sort the schemes inside each group alphabetically
The collection order can be set in the ini by setting the editor.schemeOrder.collections[]="<collectionUri>"
All unlisted collections will be ordered after the listed ones.
All listed collections that re not present in the DB will be skipped.
In this way the ini supports collection ordering for more than 1 instances.
You can install your favourite webserver with PHP support. All development and testing was done using Apache/2.2.15 with PHP 5.3.8 Make sure your PHP installation supports at least one supported Database adapters (see or otherwise:
The following is a sample VHOST you might want to consider for your project.
<VirtualHost *:80>
DocumentRoot "/PATH/TO/CODE/public"
# This should be omitted in the production environment
SetEnv APPLICATION_ENV development
<Directory "/PATH/TO/CODE/public">
Options Indexes MultiViews FollowSymLinks
AllowOverride All
Order allow,deny
Allow from all
Install your choice of Zend Framework supported Database engine (see or otherwise: The credentials to access your database can be configured in the application's configuration.
Once you have created an empty database, you have to run the SQL script
to create the db-tables.
You also have to run the php-script to create a tenant:
php APPROOT/tools/tenant.php --code INST_CODE --name INST_NAME --email EMAIL --password PWD create
With this account created you can login into the dashboard, where you can manage all the other entities of the application.
Openskos is compatible with Fuseki 2 or Fuzeki 3 for storage. It has been tested up to Fuzeki 3.8 (the latest stable version at time of writing)
Installing Fuseki 2 for development purposes:
- Download Fuseki 2 from here download
- Install stand alone fuseki server. The instructions are the same as on getting started page
- Unpack the downloaded file with
ortar zxfv
to a<fuseki folder>
of your choice chmod +x fuseki-server
- Symlink or copy the content of:
<openskos folder>/data/fuseki/configuration/
to<fuseki folder>/run/configuration/
- Go to
<fuseki folder>
and run the server with./fuseki-server --update
- The docs say that Fuseki requires Java 7, but if you have the error
Unsupported major.minor version 52.0
try updating your Java, or go for Java 8 directly. - Now you will have the fuseki server up and running on http://localhost:3030/ with "openskos" dataset defined. This is also the default config in openskos'
- itemsparql
Several bug fixes were made to the rules/openskos.ttl file in October 2018, on both the OpenSkos 2.2 (Master at time of
update ) and Meertens Merge (Development at time of update) branches. When upgrading to these versions, please update
the configuration files on the Jena server to the versions located in ./data/fuseki/configuration
You have to have a java VM installed prior to installing Solr! The version of Solr used during development was 7.4.0. Other versions going back to Solr 4 are supported, but it will be necessary to adapt the Solr configuration files to the syntax for these versions.
- go to the
directory and create a directory namedopenskos
- copy the
directory of the OpenSKOS checkout to theSOLR-INSTALL_DIR/example/openskos
You can now start Solr (in this example with 1,024 MB memory assigned):
java -Dsolr.solr.home="./openskos" -Xms1024m -Xmx1024m -jar start.jar
The Solr configuration file was substantially altered during the Meertens Merge project. If upgrading, you will need
to take the example solrconfig.xml
and schema.xml
from ./data/solr
, and adapt them to your Solr version.
After updating the configuration, you should delete the contents of the Solr database and re-index using the
script. If you skip this step, OpenSkos will remain functional, but the internal content of the
Solr core will become inconsistent as records are updated.
Once you have the application running you can start adding data,
managed in collections
You can create a collection in the dashboard.
There are three ways to populate a collection:
Send data via the REST-API, e.g. like this:
curl -H "Accept: text/xml" -X POST -T sample-concept.rdf http://localhost/OpenSKOS/public/api/concept
You find the required format of the input data described in the API-docs under:
You may send only one concept per call. Also, you have to identify the tenant and provide the API key, which you assign to the user in the dashboard.
Upload a dataset (a SKOS/RDF file) via a form in the dashboard:Manage collections.
Here you can provide many concepts within one file (XPath: /rdf:RDF/rdf:Description
Once you successfully upload the file, it is scheduled for import, as seen in dashboard:Manage jobs.
The import job can be started with ./tools/jobs.php
a CLI script intended to be run with a Cron like task runner.
Third possiblity is to replicate an existing dataset via OAI-PMH, either from other OpenSKOS-instances or from an external source providing SKOS-data.
??? For this, you set the [OAI baseURL]-field of a collection to the OAI-PMH endpoint of an external provider and let the source be harvested.
The harvest job can be started with ./tools/harvest.php, another CLI script meant to be run as a cron-task. ???
It is possible to migrate the data from the SOLR core used by a OpenSKOS v1 instance directly into a v2 instance
tools/migrate.php --endpoint http://<solr server>:8180/ciss/<core name>/select
Once this is complete the data from the v1 instance will be available in the triple store used by OpenSKOS v2.
Generate API Documentation
npm install
npm run doc
Full HTML documentation of the API is supplied and is available in HTML at <baseruri>/apidoc
WARNING: It is very strongly recommended to back up all data before performing the following steps
In OpenSkos 2.2 Tenants and Collections in MySQL have been migrated from MySQL to the Jena triple store.
To migrate from OpenSKOS 1.0 or 2.1 to 2.2, first read sections 4.1 and 5.1 about updating the Jena and Solr configurations. Both steps are necessary when upgrading to OpenSkos 2.2
Then perform the following steps:
-- /tools/migrate_tenant_collection.php
(migrates tenants and collections from MySQL
to institutions and sets of Triple store)
-- optionally /tools/labelsToXl.php
(this is a picturae script slightly extended by
Meertens), if skos xl labels are demanded.
Examples of the corresponding command lines are:
php migrate_tenant_collection.php --db-hostname=localhost --db-database=geheim
--db-password=geheim --db-username=ookgeheim --debug=1
Adding skos xl labels is also possible since version 2.1. To activate, first edit the tenant to enable SkosXL, and then update Jena with:
labelsToXl.php –add=1
The SOLR schema.xml file has been updated in version 2.2. Having completed the migration, please empty the core, and then update the schema.xml file. Then fill the Solr database with the script:
php tools/jena2solr.php
Max notations are now maintained in a separate MySQL table. Use the script ./data/dbchanges/20180724.sql
to update the
db schema.
Then execute:
php tools/updateMaxNotation.php
-- Publisher URI And extra triple needs to be added to concepts to allow continued functioning of OpenSKOS.
php tools/fillConceptPublisher.php
Example of a command line:
php skos2openskos.php --setUri=http://htdl/clavas-org/set
composer install [--ignore-platform-reqs]
php vendor/bin/phing config
docker network create openskos
docker-compose up
# go to localhost:9001 and create a dataset matching in name with application.ini sparql.queryUri if it's missing
sudo chmod 777 data/solr
sudo chmod 666 data/solr/*
sudo chown -R 8983:8983 data/solr
docker exec -it openskos-php-fpm php vendor/bin/phing solr.create.core
docker exec -it openskos-php-fpm php tools/tenant.php --code CODE --name NAME --email EMAIL --password PASSWORD create
docker exec -it openskos-php-fpm php tools/jena2solr.php
# go to localhost:9000 and log in using your just-created credentials
To test / develop the application go to the root folder, and run:
docker-compose up
composer install
docker exec -it openskos-php-fpm ./vendor/bin/phing
Then copy the file ./application/configs/application.ini.dist
to ./application/configs/application.ini
Under the section ; Solr configuration:
add the following:
Under the section '; Apache Jena Fuseki configuration:' add the following
Configuring Jena
You can then create an empty graph with the name openskos in the Jena interface at http://localhost:9001. The admin username:password combination is
. Here you can create a persistent dataset namedopenskos
Under the section ; Database configuration:
add the following
resources.db.isDefaultTableAdapter = true
Create a test tenant / user in the openskos application
docker exec -it openskos-php-fpm php ./tools/tenant.php create -e development --code=pic --name=Picturae --password=test
Now you can login on http://localhost:9000/editor/#