REST services for calculating eco benefits for trees in an OpenTreeMap database.
In order make the process of developing against or building this project easier, we've wrapped everything inside of a Vagrant project. In addition to Vagrant, Ansible is used to provision the Vagrant virtual machine. This ensures that all of the dependencies are in place.
First, ensure that Vagrant 1.5+ and Ansible 1.4.2+ are installed on your local workstation.
Next, start the Vagrant virtual machine:
$ vagrant up
You will see some Ansible output after the machine boots up. After that, SSH into the machine and execute the test suite:
$ vagrant ssh
vagrant@otm-ecoservice:~$ cd src/
vagrant@otm-ecoservice:~/src/$ make test
godep go test eco/*
ok command-line-arguments 0.494s
If you want to build a release, use the release
vagrant@otm-ecoservice:~/src/$ make release
vagrant@otm-ecoservice:~/src/$ exit
$ ls -l *.tar.gz
-rw-r--r-- 1 hcastro staff 2714304 Sep 9 15:41 ecoservice.tar.gz
The ecobenefits
executable must be run with certain environment variables set:
OTM_DB_USER = 'otm'
OTM_DB_NAME = 'otm'
OTM_DB_HOST = 'localhost'
OTM_ECO_DATA_DIR = Absolute path to the data directory (with a trailing slash)
Once environment variables have been set, the ecobenefits
service can be launched with:
$ /path/to/ecobenefits
20 inch Common Fig
Identify the OTM2/USDA code for the given species: FICA
Determine the region the tree is in. For our example we'll use Inland Empire (InlEmpCLM).
Determine the itree code using the master species list and the selected region. BDS OTHER
Calculations then are determined by linear interpolation from the root resource sheets.
For the electricity case we use this csv:
The diameter ranges are in centimeters so we convert 20 in into 50.8 cm. Using those data we find the following range:
38.10 53.34
BDS OTHER 189.2 189.2
In this case we're interpolating over a horizontal line so we get 189.2 kwh.
Doing the same for natural gas:
38.10 53.34
BDS OTHER -81.4 -81.4
So the natural gas savings is computed to be -81.4 kbtus. That ends up as -0.814 therms or -23.86 kwh
Continuing with stormwater:
38.10 53.34
BDS OTHER 3.16 3.16
So we get 3.16 m^3 of water, which converts to 842 gal
Carbon calculations can be performed in the same manner. For storage:
38.10 53.34
BDS OTHER 569.6 569.6
569.6 kgs of CO2 stored converts to 1315 lbs.
CO2 avoided:
38.10 53.34
BDS OTHER 55.7 55.7
55.7 kgs of CO2 avoided converts to 122.8 lbs
CO2 sequestered:
38.10 53.34
BDS OTHER 24.6 0.0
Here we have to actually calculate:
m = dx/dy = -24.6 / 15.24 = -1.614
y0 = y - mx = 0.0 - 53.34 * -1.614 = 86.1
y = mx + b = -1.614 * 50.8 + 86.1 = 4.1 kgs = 9.06 lbs
We can test this particular case by running an eco benefits server and using the curl utility:
$ curl "localhost:13000/eco.json?otmcode=FICA&diameter=20®ion=InlEmpCLM"
"Benefits": {
"aq_nox_avoided": 0.1102,
"aq_nox_dep": 0.119,
"aq_ozone_dep": 0.35,
"aq_pm10_avoided": 0.0273,
"aq_pm10_dep": 0.185,
"aq_sox_avoided": 0.2183,
"aq_sox_dep": 0.016,
"aq_voc_avoided": 0.0273,
"bvoc": 0,
"co2_avoided": 55.7,
"co2_sequestered": 4.1000000000000085,
"co2_storage": 569.6,
"electricity": 189.2,
"hydro_interception": 3.16,
"natural_gas": -81.4
What i-Tree calls 'benefit categories', we refer to as 'factors' in our source. These are distinct ways in which environmental influence can be quantified for trees. Examples include 'CO2 avoided' and 'electricity (saved)'.