Package opslevel
provides an OpsLevel API client implementation.
requires Go version 1.8 or later.
go get -u
Construct a client, specifying the API token. Then, you can use it to make GraphQL queries and mutations.
client := opslevel.NewGQLClient(opslevel.SetAPIToken("XXX_API_TOKEN_XXX"))
// Use client...
You can validate the client can successfully talk to the OpsLevel API.
client := opslevel.NewGQLClient(opslevel.SetAPIToken("XXX_API_TOKEN_XXX"))
if err := client.Validate(); err != nil {
Every resource (IE: service, lifecycle, tier, etc.) in OpsLevel API has a corresponding data structure in go as well as the graphql query & mutation inputs. Additionally, there are also some helper functions that use native go types like string
and []string
to make it easier to work with. The following are a handful of examples:
Find a service given an alias and print the owning team name:
foundService, foundServiceErr := client.GetService("MyCoolService")
if foundServiceErr != nil {
Create a new service in OpsLevel and print the ID:
serviceCreateInput := opslevel.ServiceCreateInput{
Name: "MyCoolService",
Description: opslevel.RefOf("The Coolest Service"),
Language: opslevel.RefOf("go"),
OwnerAlias: opslevel.RefOf("team-platform"),
newService, newServiceErr := client.CreateService(serviceCreateInput)
if newServiceErr != nil {
Assign the tag {"hello": "world"}
to our newly created service and print all the tags currently on it:
allTagsOnThisService, assignTagsErr := client.AssignTags(string(newService.Id), map[string]string{"hello": "world"})
if assignTagsErr != nil {
for _, tagOnService := range allTagsOnThisService {
fmt.Printf("Tag '{%s : %s}'", tagOnService.Id, tagOnService.Value)
List all the tags for a service:
myService, foundServiceErr := client.GetService("MyCoolService")
if foundServiceErr != nil {
tags, getTagsErr := myService.GetTags(client, nil)
if getTagsErr != nil {
for _, tag := range tags {
fmt.Printf("Tag '{%s : %s}'\n", tag.Key, tag.Value)
Build a lookup table of teams:
func GetTeams(client *opslevel.Client) (map[string]opslevel.Team, error) {
teams := make(map[string]opslevel.Team)
data, dataErr := client.ListTeams(nil)
if dataErr != nil {
return teams, dataErr
for _, team := range data {
teams[string(team.Alias)] = team
return teams, nil
The client also exposes functions Query
and Mutate
for doing custom query or mutations. We are running on top of this go graphql library.