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Configuration Files

Robin edited this page May 31, 2023 · 4 revisions


Here is information regarding all the important configuration files for EternalTags


Option Description Default
locale Changes the plugin languages to a langugage in the /locale/ folder. en_US
default-tag This is the tag that will show when a player doesn't have an active tag, Can be set to random to change per user. none
default-tag-groups Uses vault to assign a default tag to a group. Can be set to random to change per user. default: 'none
remove-inaccessible-tags Should any tag the player doesn't have permission for be automatically removed. false
formatted-placeholder This is the text that will show in the formatted placeholders when empty. None
tag-unlocked-format The text to show for the has-unlocked placeholder when unlocked. &a&lUnlocked
tag-locked-format The text to show for the has-unlocked placeholder when locked. &c&lLocked
tag-prefix The text that will be shown before the tag when using the tag placeholder. ''
tag-suffix The text that will be shown after the tag when using the tag placeholder. ''
reequip-clear Should equipping the same tag again clear the tag. false
cache-gui-tags Should all tag icons in the GUI be cached. (Placeholders will be incompatible) true
cache-gui-categories Should all category icons in the GUI be cached. (Placeholders will be incompatible) true
open-category-gui-first Should /tags open the category GUI First false
save-tagdata-mysql Should all tags be saved into MySQL? (Replaces tags.yml, Useful for bungee servers) false
plugin-messaging Should tag creation and modification be sent through BungeeCord Plugin Messaging Channels false
mysql-settings Configuration for saving into MySQL instead of SQLite. -


The tags.yml is used to configure all the tags within the plugin, this is where all the options are defined for each tag.

(Note: This file will not work if you are using mysql to save tag data)

Option Description Example Optional
name This is the display name for the tag name: Example Yes
tag This is the text that will be displayed and formatted when the tag placeholder. You can use PlaceholderAPI Placeholders & Oraxen Glyphs in this tag and they will be automatically formatted tag: &f<&#00B4DB&lExample&f> No
description This is the multi-line description for a tag. This can be used in a gui with the %description% placeholder, You can use a string list for this option or a regular string. description: 'None' Yes
permission This is the permission required to use the tag, if empty the default will be eternaltags.tag.<id> permission: tags.example Yes
icon This is the display material for this item in particular icon: OAK_SIGN Yes
order This is the custom order for the icon in the gui, Requires CUSTOM sort-type, configured in the GUIs. Custom tags are ordered lowest to highest icon: 1 Yes
category This is the assigned category the tag has. category: default Yes

Working Example

  example-tag: # The technical id, this is how we differentitate each tag..
    name: 'Example'
    tag: '&f<&#00B4DB&lExample&f>'
      - 'Line #1'
      - 'Line #2'
    permission: 'tags.example'
      material: OAK_SIGN
    order: 1
    category: default