This role enriches the original geerlinguy docker role and use the Ansible volumes plus role in order to add overlayfs driver support configuration for docker
You should first execute ./configure
first, which will download the requirements in siblings folders.
roles_path = ./roles:./roles/community
To execute test, build your own Fedora-33 Packer image enabling cgroup V1 and call it yourpseudo/fedora-33. Procedure:
git clone
cd "$(dirname ${BASH_SOURCE[0]})/bento/packer_templates/fedora"
sed -i -e "s/dnf -y install \(.*\)/dnf -y install \1 grubby \&\& grubby --update-kernel=ALL --args=\"systemd.unified_cgroup_hierarchy=0\" --make-default/" bento/packer_templates/fedora/scripts/
packer build -var "box_basename=$distroversion" -only=$PACKER_VM_DRIVER $distroversion.json
cd "$(dirname ${BASH_SOURCE[0]})/bento/builds
vagrant box add $ --name platform/$distroshortversion
However, a base image (tcharl/fedora-33-cgroupv1) with these properties has been published to vagrant cloud so executin molecule test
will suffice!
Only dependencies variables at all but those of the dependencies, see molecule tests for more info.
As said
See the vars declared on the molecule test, as well as their impact
- Twitter @tcharl
- Github @tcharl
- LinkedIn Charlie Mordant